It is the law;-(
As a commercial pilot flying in and out of Crete, I really do not like the attitude, of "lets fly where the good pictures are and **** the rules".
Of course it is very remote, that a commercial airliner hits a drone like the Mavic, but if it does, we all do not have a problem to get good, awesome pictures, but to fly at all.
If you know what you are doing, than a flight like this poses minimal dangers to others, so who cares...
But as soon as you put it on an public plattform like youtube or this forum, some idiot, who does NOT know what he is doing, will try to get a better picture, a better performance or whatever. And that will eventually kill people and shortly thereafter our hobby!
Lets agree, that this "awesome" illegal footage should stay very, very private. How about that?
If I see something illegal, that puts my hobby and my daily work in danger, I tend to become very, very judging.....