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Travelling to Phoenix from Canada


New Member
Dec 10, 2017
Hey new to the forum, I'm from Ontario, Canada ! I've been doing a lot of reading on travelling with the mavic to another country ... i'll be going to phoenix. I've read pretty much everything and from what I gathered I should have no issues as I am bringing it with me on as carry on, both batteries in lipo safe bag discharged to 50% .. nothing really more to it ? Am I missing anything ?

Thanks !
Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :)

from what I gathered I should have no issues as I am bringing it with me on as carry on, both batteries in lipo safe bag discharged to 50% .. nothing really more to it?
You really just need to make sure the terminals are covered on each battery. LiPO bags are fine to use. Or you could also:
  • Store the batteries in a case/bag that contains individual battery compartments
  • Use battery covers (like these or these)
  • Put a piece of tape over the terminals
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Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :)

You really just need to make sure the terminals are covered on each battery. LiPO bags are fine to use. Or you could also:
  • Store the batteries in a case/bag that contains individual battery compartments
  • Use battery covers (like these or these)
  • Put a piece of tape over the terminals

Thanks :)

And okay yeah I have a backpack with separate compartments so I'll tape them as well as put them in there individual compartments Thumbswayup
There's no need to tape them since your backpack contains separate compartments. The compartments will prevent anything from coming into contact with the battery terminals.
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Rj001- I just posted travel info in Off Topic forum if you need more detail. What you got in here tho is all good.
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Correct me if i'm wrong but there is no need to register the drone with the FAA anymore right ?
Correct me if i'm wrong but there is no need to register the drone with the FAA anymore right ?

First off OP welcome to Arizona! Its still hitting 78 here in the day. Perfect flying weather year round. Where do you plan on going here in phoenix?

I think Trump is changing that. At least I saw like 4 threads about it. I remember when I registered mine because it was only $5 for 3 years and people kept question why I would even bothered. Well now they all know why I bothered lol..
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I just got back from phoenix and flew while I was there. So much more scenery there than out here in east Texas. I flew up around the south mountain. Hiked in a ways and flew while up on some of the foothills. it was really cool out there.
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Correct me if i'm wrong but there is no need to register the drone with the FAA anymore right ?
The FAA's registration requirement has been restored. See more details here.
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I am from Canada (well the west coast) and am heading to Mesa as well. I read further on the FAA site and it says that non US residence HAVE to also register. The process is the same as US citizens, on the FAA website.

They want you to put your name, address and phone number on the Drone as well as the FAA number you will receive at the end of the process.

I did this as it is only $5 for 3 years and can CYA.
They want you to put your name, address and phone number on the Drone as well as the FAA number you will receive at the end of the process.
The FAA only requires the FAA registration number to be marked on the drone. Your name/address/phone could be useful too though if you lose your Mavic.
Sorry, you are probably correct. In Canada they require the rest of the info. But as you say, probably best to have you contact info on the drone for recovery. Especially the way I fly. LOL

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