Actually the term
restricted airspace is misused alot in drone forums...what they typically mean in the context of this thread is a DJI Geo Zone.
DJI’s GEO System delineates where it is safe to fly, where flight may raise concerns, and where flight is restricted. GEO zones that prohibit flight are implemented around locations such as airports, power plants, and prisons. They are also implemented temporarily around major stadium events, forest fires, or other emergency situations. Certain GEO zones don’t prohibit flight, but do trigger warnings that inform users of potential risks.
Geo Zones are color-coded by DJI and represent their assessment of risk and restrictions:
Geo Zones are flight limitation areas imposed by DJI...not a regulatory agency like the FAA. In order to operate in most Geo Zones it requires an unlocking procedure. This unlocking, while currently available on most DJI platforms, is not yet available on the Mavic Mini.
Restricted airspace (in FAA terms) is a specific type of airspace defined by regulation:
The two categories of airspace are: regulatory and nonregulatory. Within these two categories, there are four types: controlled, uncontrolled, special use, and other airspace. The categories and types of airspace are dictated by the complexity or density of aircraft movements, nature of the operations conducted within the airspace, the level of safety required, and national and public interest.
Restricted airspace is a type of special use airspace and is an area of airspace typically used by the military in which the local controlling authorities have determined that air traffic must be restricted or prohibited for safety or security concerns. It is one of many types of special use airspace designations and is depicted on aeronautical charts with the letter "R" followed by a serial number.
In your case you want to fly in Class D airspace...DJI has defined this area with a Geo Zone as well...unfortunately the Geo Zone system will not allow you to operate there as the unlocking procedure will not exists for the Mini until (reportedly) late December...