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URGENT need help with lost mavic mini logs


New Member
Jun 22, 2021
Hi everyone! This is my first post here. I'm not so experienced in drone piloting and I have a really bad flight today..

Atti mode make my drone fly away in big city, but I have some logs, so I'd be glad if someone help me with where to search for it.

I get back to place where I started my flight and waited for drone to come back, but it never come back.. Then I inspect the place where it has lost connection, but there was nothing too.. Any thoughts about where it could go after it lost it signal?

Atti mode make my drone fly away in big city.
Atti mode doesn't make your drone fly away.
It leaves the drone perfectly controllable but without the ability to hold position or the ability to RTH.
In that condition it will drift with any wind.
There had been strong wind warnings early in the flight.

I get back to place where I started my flight and waited for drone to come back, but it never come back..
At 324 seconds your drone's GPS reception dropped to zero leaving the drone in Atti Mode.
It's not clear why this happened and there's no obvious reason for it.
At the time the drone was only 160 ft from home and 124 ft up.
For the rest of the flight, GPS was drifting in and out - mostly out.
Distance data shows, but it's unlikely to be reliable.

Later you flew back to 130 ft away, kept flying around and took the drone up to 250 ft and got approximate GPS again.
The drone was now 3200 feet away.
You just left the drone drifting and the indicated location increased to 5700 ft before signal was lost.
Leaving the drone 250 ft up without position holding is just letting it get blown away.
Then I inspect the place where it has lost connection, but there was nothing too.. Any thoughts about where it could go after it lost it signal?
When signal was lost, the drone would have begun to autoland (if it still had no GPS).
But as it descended, it would have continued to drift further away so it won't have ended up at that location (and there's some doubt about the quality of the location data).
I just noticed your location is in Russia.
I've only seen a few cases where GPS was affected the way yours was.
They were all in Russian cities.
I don't know what causes it, but it seems to be a pattern.
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I just noticed your location is in Russia.
I've only seen a few cases where GPS was affected the way yours was.
They were all in Russian cities.
I don't know what causes it, but it seems to be a pattern.
I do recall an article around gps and glonass being jammed for a while during trials around the Kremlin. It was causing issues for people using running apps and the like. I've no idea if there are ongoing trials or if certain areas are permanently on a block list.

It was speculated at the time that these trials were precisely to stop drones (possibly weaponised) during state events.

Anyway @max_woop I hope you find your craft ?
Welcome to the forum. Hope you are able to recover your copter.
Hello from the Crossroads of America max_woop.

Welcome to the Forum. ?
Out of curiousity.
Given loss of signal AND no GPS, how long after the loss of control signal will the drone start to descend?
I have just had my Mini hovering for two minutes indoors (no GPS) with the controller switched off and it did not start to land.....however it may have rejected the landing site as the floor is a bit cluttered.

Also the track appears to be heading 'south', yet 3 separate websites say the wind was FROM the 'south' yesterday evening in St Petersburgh.
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