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Video goes blurry and out of focus during recording on its own


Active Member
Nov 18, 2016
Southwest USA
The video is never in focus on initial take off while recording.

I always have to initiate the Center Auto Focus command in order to get it in focus first. I do this quickly via the C1 button - I have it mapped to that command.

However, the major issue is this: during all of my flights, the video goes blurry and slightly out of focus at a random point during the recording. The blur is too minor to notice on the iPhone's small screen, but when I get it home and go over the video from the SD card on my MacBook Pro, you can notice it right away. I've tested several high speed microSD cards, to rule that out.

I'm currently recording to a SanDisk Extreme Pro 64GB, Class 10 and I'm shooting video in 4K, 24.

Now that I've discovered this issue, I have to continually click the Center Auto Focus command at intervals during the flight. This is obviously not optimal as you can see the camera re-focusing over and over.

What gives?
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This can happen when the gimbal gets jolted in flight by a strong braking action or quick stick input. If you see the gimbal hit and shake refocus afterwards. Haven't seen it happen just on its own without mechanical "abuse" yet.
i also experienced those far i attributed to low light conditions or sunset timing as it happened mainly during such conditions.
After reviewing my videos, I am still not sure it has to do with low light. In almost every video there is plenty of day light and it has gone blurry on its own after being in focus for some time.

It may have something to do with a sudden jolt, but I haven't tested that yet. Like I said, it's impossible to tell on the iPhone's small screen if it's perfectly in focus or not.

However, after flying today, I've begun to get in the habit of clicking the C1 - Center Auto Focus button several times throughout flight. After reviewing the videos, everything seems to be in focus.

An automatic infinity auto focus would be very nice.
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The video is never in focus on initial take off while recording.

I always have to initiate the Center Auto Focus command in order to get it in focus first. I do this quickly via the C1 button - I have it mapped to that command.

However, the major issue is this: during all of my flights, the video goes blurry and slightly out of focus at a random point during the recording. The blur is too minor to notice on the iPhone's small screen, but when I get it home and go over the video from the SD card on my MacBook Pro, you can notice it right away. I've tested several high speed microSD cards, to rule that out.

I'm currently recording to a SanDisk Extreme Pro 64GB, Class 10 and I'm shooting video in 4K, 24.

Now that I've discovered this issue, I have to continually click the Center Auto Focus command at intervals during the flight. This is obviously not optimal as you can see the camera re-focusing over and over.

What gives?

When you power on the Mavic Pro, do you attempt a focus while on the ground before the controller says Ready to Fly GPS? I only ask because I noticed that if I attempt a focus at this stage, the focus then does not work properly. For me it only works if you focus after you get the OK to fly GPS (when outdoors).
I've begun doing both. Focusing before take off and immediately after, while hovering a few feet in the air.
This tap-to-focus feature is probably the worst design decision DJI has ever done. You simply don't know what is in focus until you have landed and check the footage on the computer.

/// Tom
Would you rather the Mavic not to exist? Cause that would be the alternative...
Would you rather the Mavic not to exist? Cause that would be the alternative...

No, but to keep the same excellent camera as on the P4. I don't really see the point of changing it to something inferior - well, except for maintaining the difference between the various segments (amateur / prosumer / professional).

/// Tom
This tap-to-focus feature is probably the worst design decision DJI has ever done. You simply don't know what is in focus until you have landed and check the footage on the computer.

/// Tom
Not true Tom, even I can see that the frame is out of focus on the screen and my eyesight is not great! You cannot blame DJI for users forgetting to focus. It is just something to get used to. Just because you or others forget to focus does not make the product bad dude! You forget to put petrol in your car, do you blame Ford for making a car that takes petrol? :D
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The video is never in focus on initial take off while recording.

I always have to initiate the Center Auto Focus command in order to get it in focus first. I do this quickly via the C1 button - I have it mapped to that command.

However, the major issue is this: during all of my flights, the video goes blurry and slightly out of focus at a random point during the recording. The blur is too minor to notice on the iPhone's small screen, but when I get it home and go over the video from the SD card on my MacBook Pro, you can notice it right away. I've tested several high speed microSD cards, to rule that out.

I'm currently recording to a SanDisk Extreme Pro 64GB, Class 10 and I'm shooting video in 4K, 24.

Now that I've discovered this issue, I have to continually click the Center Auto Focus command at intervals during the flight. This is obviously not optimal as you can see the camera re-focusing over and over.

What gives?

!. Reset the Camera Settings to default. This will cause the camera to jolt. Have seen stuck focus issues being fixed this way.
2. If that fails try to calibrate the gimbal and the reset the camera again.

See if these help.
Now just get the updated app go 4.01 and it autofocuses on its own now:)
Not true Tom, even I can see that the frame is out of focus on the screen and my eyesight is not great! You cannot blame DJI for users forgetting to focus. It is just something to get used to. Just because you or others forget to focus does not make the product bad dude! You forget to put petrol in your car, do you blame Ford for making a car that takes petrol? :D

I am really trying to like the Mavic, but I have seen an awful lot of footage on YT with horrible image rendering, specially near the outer 30% of the image. I have more than 30 years of photo experience so I believe I can tell the difference. If that is caused by the inability to remember to focus or not I cannot tell, but in the DSLR camera world it is usually a sign of poor (or cheap) lens design. It gets better when closing the aperture but AFAIK the Mavic always shoots wide open.
I realize it is not perfect but for you personally all I can only really add is that the Mavic is probably not your best option, perhaps the P4P may be a better choice but you still have to tap to focus or reply on the C-AF with that anyway, it's camera is way better though. For many including myself the Mavic is more than adequate for our needs and coupled with its portability you really cannot beat it even with the imperfections some may see with the footage.

Also, TY footage is still processed, perhaps if you are able to see if you can find some raw clips to download and have a closer look. There are quite a few posts that have direct links to download them.

Hope things work out and you make the right choice with whatever you decide to buy :)
I do wish they hadn't gone for quite such a tiny camera, the Mavic could easily have carried an extra 2 or 3 grams.
Phantom 3 Pro footage is definitely better nevermind P4 which it is supposed to be similar too :confused: - the more I see of Mavic footage the less I like it but the whole package is still very nice to have.
I realize it is not perfect but for you personally all I can only really add is that the Mavic is probably not your best option, perhaps the P4P may be a better choice but you still have to tap to focus or reply on the C-AF with that anyway, it's camera is way better though. For many including myself the Mavic is more than adequate for our needs and coupled with its portability you really cannot beat it even with the imperfections some may see with the footage.

Also, TY footage is still processed, perhaps if you are able to see if you can find some raw clips to download and have a closer look. There are quite a few posts that have direct links to download them.

Hope things work out and you make the right choice with whatever you decide to buy :)

Thank you, I really appreciate your pleasant tone, quite a change from the often pretty snide remarks in such forums! :)

The thing is that while I am really drawn towards the Mavic because of its portability, I am a bit nervous about the image quality. If I get the Mavic and make a single test flight, I will not be able to return it, should it not fulfill my requirements, that is why I am constantly looking at YT videos. Well, in the end I will need to make the decision...

I wish you a very pleasant Christmas!

/// Tom
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I do wish they hadn't gone for quite such a tiny camera, the Mavic could easily have carried an extra 2 or 3 grams.
Phantom 3 Pro footage is definitely better nevermind P4 which it is supposed to be similar too :confused: - the more I see of Mavic footage the less I like it but the whole package is still very nice to have.

But that would have meant a re-design of the body, legs etc. Yes they could have dropped a slightly better sensor in there but what they have done with the size and design is groundbreaking with regards to what was available before. Have you seen the difference in size between the Phantom and Mavic cameras? :)

This is the first in its line (hopefully) and it can only improve, maybe the next one will have the ability to remove the gimbal/camera and upgrade on the fly (actually with the amount of broken gimbals they have had back in I may even bet on that one lol)

The view on the footage varies as well, I find that the P3 and P4 looks pretty flat compared to the Mavic due to little to no DoF but each to their own. There have been more reviews out there that favor the Mavic footage than the other way round and some of these have been pretty scientific.

Got to remember that there have also been quite a few out there with focus issues where part of the frame has been OOF, mine was replaced due to this and is absolutely fine now.

I guess it comes down to money really, the Mavic does a pretty decent job and you can take it absolutely anywhere with you, places you would never dream of carting a Phantom or Inspire. If you can afford it get the Mavic and a P4P or Inspire the latter 2 for when you have the car with you and the quality of footage is paramount. Bet you will still end up using the Mavic more though simply due to its convenience and if you are not doing commercial or professional work the footage it more than good enough (as long as you do not have one with focus issues etc. of course).

Don't get me wrong, I would also like to see a better camera on the Mavic but for what you get, as soon as you have it in your hands, you completely forget about the footage quality anyway if you know what I mean :)
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Thank you, I really appreciate your pleasant tone, quite a change from the often pretty snide remarks in such forums! :)

The thing is that while I am really drawn towards the Mavic because of its portability, I am a bit nervous about the image quality. If I get the Mavic and make a single test flight, I will not be able to return it, should it not fulfill my requirements, that is why I am constantly looking at YT videos. Well, in the end I will need to make the decision...

I wish you a very pleasant Christmas!

/// Tom

Merry Christmas to you also Tom!

I am sure you can return it, it depends on where you are of course but, Apple take returns, Amazon, pretty much every LHS (may charge re-stocking fee) etc... The thing is I believe in most countries you have have more rights if you purchase on-line so even though the queue is long, buying directly from Amazon (Sold By Amazon) may be a good option or Apple if possible.

If you have a decent laptop or computer do a search and download some raw footage so there is no YT compression involved etc.

Best of luck! :)
Been flying the Mavic for a few days now getting use to it from my P3P. Wind was a bit gusty this evening and this may be a contributing factor but I was able to see the camera out of focus and then back in focus several times on my iPhone while airborne. On the previous flight I took a few photos and some short video segments. I didn't notice anything when viewing those and I was rather surprised at the quality for the size of the camera. Just concerned about the focusing issue. Will try again to attempt to narrow down the cause. I'm somewhat puzzled as to the need for the focus option, which I didn't have with the P3P. I can't see a need as a fixed focus for these devices seems more stable and reliable. I haven't seen any footage where variable focus from a drone was beneficial or even visible. The only thing you notice is something out of focus which is unintentional. Other than the focus challenge I've been impressed with flight characteristics and handling. Again would have preferred control all the way to touch down as opposed to the auto land type functionality. Overall a great LITTLE package.
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