I can't drive one mile as the crow flies in three directions without hitting a large body of water so that is where I fly. Now every once in a while, I like to fly low over the water and people were trying to warn me away from doing that. They were just trying to keep me from losing my
M2P and I appreciate that. But, I also received replies that other people flew low over water all the time but I found out quickly that low is in the eye of the beholder. Most don't say what that altitude is. Like me, when I fly low, I'm talking 2 - 3 feet. At the same time others are talking 5-6 and others 10-12 and so on. I got to thinking that some replies were only applicable if their definition of low was the same as mine. So, I figured I would ask everyone, "What do you consider low when flying over water?" and, if you think adding the height you are flying at in posting a question or a response to a question concerning "low" would be helpful to everyone.
Take care and happy flying!