Well-Known Member
I doubt the FAA would spend much time, IMO on reports like that. As you said, you can download it as a CSV, which opens in Excel, and you can edit and put in all the fake data you wanted before sending it to the FAA. Fake locations, change the ID transmitted, dates, times, all of that could be easily changed by a 7 year old and a PC. All I would need is to capture your drone one time in flight, and I could create a CSV showing you hovering over an airport for 2 hours straight (on a 35 minute battery) at 1500' AGL in a city you have never been to. They won't be able to use civilian captured data for enforcement. Police or law enforcement captured, maybe, but then we aren't talking about some vigilante.So, if you have a drone vigilante who takes an undue interest in your flights, perhaps in your neighborhood, a local park, etc… they might just save a batch of your flights and submit all of them to the FAA to cause you trouble.
So not saying anything about the rest of what you have said, you obviously have done a lot of research on it.
I could see the FAA putting in receivers near places like nuclear power, military bases, maybe even stadiums and centers of major cities, which could alert law enforcement to go check but I do not think they will rely 100% on RID for enforcement or even investigations. SWATTING is a real thing, so fake drone reports would be as well.
This is a system to help identify flights that are in progress, not historical.
Once again, my opinion.