DJI Mavic, Air and Mini Drones
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  1. BlueBay

    Uploading HDR video to YouTube: What you need to know!

    I just thought I'd share the information regarding my journey to find out exactly what is required to upload true HDR content to YouTube. Because it's difficult to get any clear information. Plus the YouTube upload process does nothing to validate the content, which is very poor in my view...
  2. Prmath

    No Hyperlight or HDR ???

    I did an uninstall of DJI Go4 app, rebooted my iPad then reinstalled it from scratch....... That fixed my problem. I know have HDR and Hyperlight in the camera settings.................... (don’t ask ME..... I D K) ......
  3. Leo153

    The Mount, Lenox, Massachusetts. Mavic Pro Alpine.

  4. heo3480

    Create Amazing HDR Photos

    The workflow from 5 RAW images into a single HDR image This HDR tutorial can be used by any DJI drone if you want to capture HDR drone photos by using AEB.
  5. S

    The power of HDR on Mavic pro and air

    Now, as a photographer, I urge people to use the bracketing in order to get better dynamic range and not to just create surreal alien LSD images..Here is a good example, I believe, when a backlit object could be easily photographed by a mavic my website: instagram...
  6. T

    HDR/Bracketing/Portrait in Pano Mode?

    Hi All, Has anyone figured out a way to make the Mavic stick to the various photo mode during Pano? -HDR -Bracketing -Portrait Thanks, Matthew
  7. G

    AEB and exposure range vs manual

    Ive been doing some testing on this lately and am wondering if ive come across a bug or limitation. Using the AEB mode on DJI Go 4 (Android) there appears to be no way to select the exposure range for the shots. The app seems to do this automatically using some sort of algorithm. Due to the...
  8. O

    Long exposure HDR - AEB ?

    How to take a photo with long exposure in AEB mode ? When I select AEB mode, iso 100 and long exposure time all my 5 or 3 photos looks about the same :( all good in auto mode
  9. M

    Mavic DNG - LightRoom the file appears to be unsupported or damaged

    Hi, Took HDR Shots with Mavic Pro . (DNG File) When trying to edit the photos in Lightroom got the error "the file appears to be unsupported or damaged" When opining the same file in Photoshop No Problem !!! resolving ed Thanks Miki
  10. Pathogen

    Who likes clouds?

    I love clouds, just sayin'
  11. R

    Panoramic Photography

    I wanted to share some photos I made on our trip through southeast asia. Enjoy! :) More photos: SkyPixel - Connecting Creativity
  12. Viper


    #MemoralDay Looked out the window ran to my office and grabbed the Mavic. Literally the fastest takeoff ever 30seconds. I'm happy with the show Happy Memorial Day Pilots
  13. M

    Still Image Artifacts and corruption raw hdr long exposure

    Sorry if this is duplicate but I got multiple images the other day with heavy artifacts. Maybe it has to do with HDR in combination with long exposure. Is this common? Metadata ISO 800 1/5 sec exposure on Mavic Pro (This is a raw image and I possibly used HDR mode with it)
  14. kendallqn

    Hello From Phoenix Arizona

    Sunset from the Mavic Pro out at my sons house tonight. Shot with the 5 shot bracket and merged to a HDR.
  15. Kennetf

    Best photo settings for Mavic?

    Hello great mavic people! I´ve just gotten my Mavic, and since it´s my first DJI product, I need some help understanding the photo settings. Do you have any preferred set of settings when shooting pictures? Do you shoot using manual exposure settings, or is the auto one good enough as long as...
  16. I

    HDR Panorama

    HDR Panorama using the Mavic Pro. HDR and Panorama processing done in LR. Happy with how well the images stitch together. Valley by Ian Porteous - Photo 186286515 / 500px