I'm cross-posting this from the DJI forums. There doesn't seem to be an AvataPilots forum so I chose this one.
I just recently bought an Avata 2. I've been flying Inspires and Mavics for years now but this is my first FPV drone. I'm still using the Motion Controller because I haven't...
I know the Air 3 has an expansion slot intended to be used with the cellular dongle, but I'm interested in using it to power other things attached to the drone (additional batteries for attached equipment add weight). From my very brief testing I wasn't able to get any power out of the primary...
Me and a friend are starting a drone club at our university, and have been planning out how the whole thing is going to work. We would like to have at least a few meetups for people to attend and fly together, but we want to avoid any collisions or other conflicts. Unfortunately neither of us...
Hello, I am curious why is Airsense disabled on the Mavic Air 2 in Europe but not on the Air 2S. Any thoughts?
I recently stumbled upon this post where someone said that the ADS-B module is actually present inside the drone, it just isn't working. Pretty weird...
I fly my drone in Mallorca Spain, in the area that doesn't have any no-fly zones nearby (at least 20 km around me) but in December for Christmas I'm going to Alicante, Spain that does have all types of no-fly zones, authorization zones, warning, class D and other stuff.
I heard stories...
I have been following the drone world for a couple of years now but I havent had the chance to fly or own one. recently a friend of mine has put his dji mavic mini fly more combo for sale and they are asking around 310 euro for it.
Is it worth getting the mini 1 or should I save up more money...
Hey everybody! I hope you all have a great thanksgiving. I am a Mavic Mini 1 owners but thought you guys might have some good input on this question also. I have used an iPhone 7 to fly my mini in the last but now I might be upgrading to an iPhone 12. The issue is that DJI does not yet list the...
, I recently bought a dji mavic mini and I am more than happy with my purchase. I fly my drone with RTH Altitude of 80m. So i have the following question. If i take off from a building with a hight of 30m for example will the drone RTH at hight of 110 total altitude,or it will just raise to...
Hey fellas,
I had a minor crash a few weeks ago and hadn’t noticed any real damage to my Mavic pro. The only thing I noticed is sometimes at a low altitude the drone starts to drop in altitude for instance, I had it at about 8 feet just observing and notice on my controller it went 7.8, 7.5...
Hey guys,
Took out my drone a few days ago on its very first flight and managed to film some video which I edited directly on the DJI GO 4 app. Here it is:
This is my first drone and my first attempt at filming things so I was hoping you experts could give me some tips on how to improve...
I currently have a P3P and I'm ready to upgrade. Should I upgrade to the Mavic Air or wait for the MP2. My main concern with the Air is the battery life and the distance.
I am really preocupied by this simple stuff : What phones under 120€ can well-funcion with my mavicpro.
I am not really interested by new technologies, so i've a prehistoric phone since 7 years. I do not have any applications nothing.
But this time, i need to upgrade my phone to be able to...
Hello from Ireland,
The Stroban Cee Lights & Flash Fill in Light is it safe to place them on certain places on the Mavic Pro....see this video clip link where they are placed....do you think that is a safe place from the point of Satelittes/GPS contact???
The following link seems to be for a new mavic, but the price is incredibly low. Do you think this is a defect, or previously owned? I send in a question and am waiting for a response. What's confusing is they have other listings at prices over $1,000, that seem to be the same basic box...
I was flying the Mavic in the mountains recently and there was a nice bank of clouds rolling in close to the ground. As I started to fly the Mavic into them, I had second thoughts and declined. Clouds are, after all, a collection of moisture which doesn't exactly go well with the drone. Is there...
Hi, so i've bought my Mavic..
My result from first flight.
1.Wavy Images
2.Lagging videos
3.Flickering videos
4.Gimball uncontrolably tilts (very fast) Up horisontaly
Wrote with DJ support.
I should try to update.
1.DJI Go App - Couldn't update, freezes at 73% for 8th time in a row.
2. DJI...