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500m Distance (NOT Altitude!!)


Jul 30, 2017
About the 500m distance limit in the UK (CAA regulation): is this from original point of take-off, or somehow from wherever you, the pilot, is at any given point. For example, if you decide to film yourself on cycle ride, will the Mavic Pro only follow you for the first 500m of your ride?

Second, related question: if I get CAA certification for professional flying, and (say) get a job filming crops on a farm using autonomous GPS-controlled flight, am I limited to filming a maximum of a 500m radius of the field at a time?

Can this horizontal limit of 500m be turned off when you have legal permission?

It isn't turned on, you can just change it in the app to a distance further than you can realistically go and return on one battery.

Thanks, that's interesting - especially because it seems to contradict what I have been reading elsewhere! May I ask if you are using the latest firmware and GO software apps?

There is no horizontal limit set by default. You can enable one and it will then be relative to takeoff point.

About the 500m distance limit in the UK (CAA regulation): is this from original point of take-off, or somehow from wherever you, the pilot, is at any given point. For example, if you decide to film yourself on cycle ride, will the Mavic Pro only follow you for the first 500m of your ride?
If there's a 500m regulation the point of it is that they consider you can't realistically have the aircraft in sight and with proper situational awareness beyond that - so it would be from you. And it would also exclude the whole scenario of filming yourself while cycling since you wouldn't be looking at the aircraft.
There is no horizontal limit set by default. You can enable one and it will then be relative to takeoff point.

If there's a 500m regulation the point of it is that they consider you can't realistically have the aircraft in sight and with proper situational awareness beyond that - so it would be from you. And it would also exclude the whole scenario of filming yourself while cycling since you wouldn't be looking at the aircraft.

Sure! See my original post, I begin by acknowledging the CAA 500m regulations. However, if YOU are moving during the flight (for example having the Mavic follow you on a bike ride, having it crash out at 500m from the start seems rather silly!

Furthermore, I would take my Mavic abroad on trips, to places where the 500m limit is not a local regulation. I need to know whether I could fly to its full 4-plus-mile distance (using FPV or a pre-planned autonomous GPS-controlled flight) if I have a UK-supplied drone.

As pointed out above,you can set the distance (Geo Fence) as far as you like,out to the maximum distance.
Sure! See my original post, I begin by acknowledging the CAA 500m regulations. However, if YOU are moving during the flight (for example having the Mavic follow you on a bike ride, having it crash out at 500m from the start seems rather silly!

Furthermore, I would take my Mavic abroad on trips, to places where the 500m limit is not a local regulation. I need to know whether I could fly to its full 4-plus-mile distance (using FPV or a pre-planned autonomous GPS-controlled flight) if I have a UK-supplied drone.

I'm not sure you understand the prior posts. There is no 500m horizontal limit unless _you_ turn this on and set it as such. If you have read this many times, you are probably reading that it's a _altitude_ limit, not a distance limit.
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YES! I do understand the previous points. And if they are all correct and current, then it makes me happy.

Simply, in recent weeks, I've read that the latest DJI firmware and App updates have started to ENFORCE, rather than WARN users about, horizontal distance limitations. In other words, that a fixed, 500m geofence has been added to their firmware, which previously was not there. Hence asking whether my original respondent had the very latest firmware/Go app.

If it's the case that my sources are wrong (I'll go back on Google and try to find them again), then I am happy, and will go ahead with a (for me) significant purchase.

In short: if those reports are wrong, then YIPPEE! This thread can be classed "Solved"!

For the record, I am NOT interested in breaking CAA regulations. I believe in Air Safety utterly. Simply, some of the recent reports I've seen across the internet, would make my potential new Mavic (or Phantom (?5!!?)) useless for some of my planned future projects, abroad!

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There has never been such a thing not have I ever read a word about it. Sources?
First guy didn't understand a thing (the correct description was actually given by myself back then...), 2nd is about some 3rd party app.

Do you really think that if there was a 500m limit you'd have to dig deep enough to find a 2.5 year old post to find someone complaining about it?
If it's the case that my sources are wrong (I'll go back on Google and try to find them again), then I am happy, and will go ahead with a (for me) significant purchase.

Your sources are wrong, go buy a Mavic, Brian :)

And we should talk about multispectral cameras being used for NDVI in precision ag at some point too :)
First guy didn't understand a thing (the correct description was actually given by myself back then...), 2nd is about some 3rd party app.

Do you really think that if there was a 500m limit you'd have to dig deep enough to find a 2.5 year old post to find someone complaining about it?

I did not DIG - I simply READ what the internet brought to me. HAPPY that those sources are wrong.

Thank you.

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