I agree, and said as much in my first post.
I didn't get the Mavic because I thought it was better than my D850. I got it because I thought I could get it to places where I can't get my D850, and because I thought that, with a little digital work, I could get results that were good enough for my liking. I carry my RX100m3 in my car instead of my larger gear because it's small, expendable, and is capable of decent results - certainly better than my cell phone. The best camera is the one you have with you.
That said, having some actual quantifiable data on what the M2P can do may be useful, at least for some people. Lots of people in other forums are arguing about what the bit-depth of the sensor is. That's a pretty easy question to answer: it looks almost certain that it's 12-bits. Lots of people are asking about the low light performance and the shadow detail compared to other 1" sensors. Again, I see a lot of people arguing about it, but I don't see a lot of people taking an actual look at side-by-side results coming out of cameras in semi-controlled conditions.
How might this be helpful? Well, if it looks like the M2P has somewhere between 2-3 stops less DR than what I'm used to shooting, that means I might want to go for a 5 shot AEB bracket instead of just three. In fact, I might want to do a manual bracket with 5 shots at 1EV intervals instead of using the automated function to get that extra 1.5 stops of DR.
My intent isn't to pixel peep - my intent is to know as much about the camera on the M2P as I can so I can use it as effectively as possible. I know it's not going to be as good as what I'm used to shooting with. What I want to know is what the relative performance is going to be so I can compensate for that as best as possible.
And, if we're honest, I'm a professor of electrical engineering... I kind of can't help it.
Here are the 5 AEB shots I used to process in LRCC HDR. Not 5 stops but it seemed to do the trick. Certainly the lighting was pretty good though so under more demanding conditions manual bracketing might be better as you say.