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Aerial Neighborhood Watch - A reason to fly locally


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
I was contemplating and commenting on another post and this idea hit me:
Could there be a better justification for flying around the neighborhood?
Who would complain if they knew someone was watching out for the neighborhood's welfare?
Since it isn't a commercial enterprise no license required.
No fear of being hassled by neighbors since you are providing a security service.
Aerial Neighborhood Watch might actually help rid some areas of excessive crime or bad behaviour and provide the opportunity to fly locally.
Prob better to ask this question at ur neighbourhood meeting rather than an online forum no?
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Prob better to ask this question at ur neighbourhood meeting rather than an online forum no?

Thought it would be a good reason for people to fly from their backyards without being accused of violating other people's personal airspace because as you know people and neighbors get very annoyed if you fly in their personal airspace. This way you get to fly locally and they get free security.
I am happy to delete this thread if you think it belongs in a non aerial forum, sorry.
I was contemplating and commenting on another post and this idea hit me:
Could there be a better justification for flying around the neighborhood?
Who would complain if they knew someone was watching out for the neighborhood's welfare?
Since it isn't a commercial enterprise no license required.
No fear of being hassled by neighbors since you are providing a security service.
Aerial Neighborhood Watch might actually help rid some areas of excessive crime or bad behaviour and provide the opportunity to fly locally.

Sounds like a good idea to me because I do exactly that and have fun at the same time.

Never know when you are going to spot suspicious activity.

But I stay at least 60 feet up as nobody want you flying through there backyard at roof top levels.
First of all you would be acknowledging to the other residents that you CAN see what they are doing from your drone .
First of all you would be acknowledging to the other residents that you CAN see what they are doing from your drone .

Like burglars, vandalism, auto theft, tagging, Illegal dumping, Jehovah Witness. LOL

Yes the good with the bad.
Sounds like a great way to provoke even more backlash against drones from people who are already suspicious of them.

Flying over your neighborhood for fun is one thing, but to tell people you are putting them under actual aerial surveillance is just asking for trouble.
I was contemplating and commenting on another post and this idea hit me:
Could there be a better justification for flying around the neighborhood?
Who would complain if they knew someone was watching out for the neighborhood's welfare?
Since it isn't a commercial enterprise no license required.
No fear of being hassled by neighbors since you are providing a security service.
Aerial Neighborhood Watch might actually help rid some areas of excessive crime or bad behaviour and provide the opportunity to fly locally.
I actually went out to a trouble area for local kids doing vandalism recorded a waypoint, saved and now when I hear something going on, I can launch, load mission, and go record their activities.
Just go for a walk around the neighborhood, and meet your neighbors.
That would probably be the best interface....
So, I have flown around my neighborhood for test flights and what not. I have to say, to keep it at a safe height (to avoid trees, light poles and such) you can't really see too much. It would be hard to tell if someone is breaking into a car, or just getting in the car. Most windows and doors to houses are under an easement.

I honestly think to do a neighborhood watch you need to be on the ground level. Also limited battery will make it quite difficult to actually catch anything. 25 minutes then having to come in would be inefficient.

I would say just get in your car or on your bike and go around that way rather than by drone.
Been flying around my neighbourhood once or twice a week... nothing major and neighbours out on a stroll would glance up and their kids will exclaim and nothing more..

At most a nearby neighbour trotted over and ask me how much I bought the Drone for..

thats it..
In my part of the world (Australia) you are not allowed to fly over populous areas, so this would preclude Neighbourhood watch in built up areas. Even if it was legal, I would find it annoying to have drones stooging around my neighbourhood. Privacy laws may come in to play too.
Really? You need a better neighborhood.

haha, I was waiting for that exact comment from predictable people.

But if you think crime only happens in poor neighborhoods your delusional. If I spelled that wrong you will let me know.
I actually went out to a trouble area for local kids doing vandalism recorded a waypoint, saved and now when I hear something going on, I can launch, load mission, and go record their activities.

So your plan is go to rogue and simply start recording random teenagers whom you believe are up too no good?

Then show the neighborhood your handy work and volunteer to fly over their houses and look for suspicious characters?

Yeah, that will be received well I'm sure.
I fly all the time around my neighborhood. All but one positive interaction. Most were curious. Wanting to know how much, how fast, battery life, and the sorts. The one was looking for a reason to be pissed especially about privacy. I showed him how high I normally fly and hover because trees and rooftops and then showed him the iPad. He laughed and he said I wasted my money and should have gotten the James Bond one? It's all about how you interact with them and answer as much as you can even if it is the most idiotic question/accusation or if it has been asked 1000s of times. If your mam who has slight Alzheimer's asked you, how would you react?
The idea is nice but at the end of the day, no one wants the UK CCTVs here. I like to pick my nose in peace, thank you very much.
I fly all the time around my neighborhood.....
Have you given much thought to what could happen should your drone malfunction? Prop failure or battery come adrift for example! Perhaps keep this in mind when planning where you fly.
I do and the chances my little mavic will do damage to spanish tile roof are close to nil. I do pre flight checks for a reason so chances are lower. Accidents will happen and I'm fully prepared to pay for what I break. It's called adulthood for a reason.
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