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Airmap Adding DJI Drone Control


New Member
Nov 13, 2017
Just got an email form Airmap that they are adding the ability to fly DJI drones from their app. It seems that this company is rapidly becoming the leader in drone software development and FAA compliance. If all goes well they will have an app that a user can log their flight, get digital waivers and permissions quickly, get real-time feedback/updates of other air-traffic as well as warnings when the user deviates from their logged flight plan. Also considering my frequent issues with the DJI app crashing, I am happy to try out their system for my actual flights. Thoughts?

AirMap for Drones - AirMap
Just got an email form Airmap that they are adding the ability to fly DJI drones from their app. It seems that this company is rapidly becoming the leader in drone software development and FAA compliance. If all goes well they will have an app that a user can log their flight, get digital waivers and permissions quickly, get real-time feedback/updates of other air-traffic as well as warnings when the user deviates from their logged flight plan. Also considering my frequent issues with the DJI app crashing, I am happy to try out their system for my actual flights. Thoughts?

AirMap for Drones - AirMap
I explored the Airmap app this afternoon. Sorry to say, I have very little positive feedback. The mapping view is terrible as you cannot see where your unit is. The only operations you could do is take off and land, and snap a photo or video. I do love where they are heading. But I don't see anything useful for now. Given some time and maybe it will shine?
Thanks for the feedback, I'm snowed in today or I would be testing it now... sounds very limited... too bad.
I did a quick flight with it the other day. Very limited information. Didn’t like not having the exposure values right on the screen.
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Deleted it too. Did some research on the internet. It's not just a competitor trying to discredit Airmap. They're really doing very strange things in their lobbying of Congress. There's an app called "Hover" that's almost as good. I'm using that one now. It has the NFZ circles just like Airmap did. I live within 5 miles of a small no-tower airport. I have dutifully called the airport manager several times to let him know I'd like to fly. About the third call, he politely said, "Look, if you're going to fly your drone, go ahead. No need to call, unless you're on airport property, and then the answer will always be 'no' ". Works for me. Hopefully I won't tangle with any aircraft circling in traffic. Doubtful, since the minimum traffic pattern altitude is 1000' AGL, except on final, and I'm nowhere near the landing approach leg.
Just got an email form Airmap that they are adding the ability to fly DJI drones from their app. It seems that this company is rapidly becoming the leader in drone software development and FAA compliance. If all goes well they will have an app that a user can log their flight, get digital waivers and permissions quickly, get real-time feedback/updates of other air-traffic as well as warnings when the user deviates from their logged flight plan. Also considering my frequent issues with the DJI app crashing, I am happy to try out their system for my actual flights. Thoughts?

AirMap for Drones - AirMap

Image1523627711.052891.jpg. Dji go 4 has becaume a lot better, much more stable, does not crash using iOS devices, still needs to be better, as much money [emoji383] as apple [emoji519]. Cost they should be nothing but perfect, just picked up a 27” 5-k desktop 2 weeks ago, or pay more and get a crystal sky monitor, and yes AirMap video is not good
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View attachment 35688. Dji go 4 has becaume a lot better, much more stable, does not crash using iOS devices, still needs to be better, as much money [emoji383] as apple [emoji519]. Cost they should be nothing but perfect, just picked up a 27” 5-k desktop 2 weeks ago, or pay more and get a crystal sky monitor, and yes AirMap video is not good
This is a gorgeous shot. Where is it?
Deleted it too. Did some research on the internet. It's not just a competitor trying to discredit Airmap. They're really doing very strange things in their lobbying of Congress. There's an app called "Hover" that's almost as good. I'm using that one now. It has the NFZ circles just like Airmap did. I live within 5 miles of a small no-tower airport. I have dutifully called the airport manager several times to let him know I'd like to fly. About the third call, he politely said, "Look, if you're going to fly your drone, go ahead. No need to call, unless you're on airport property, and then the answer will always be 'no' ". Works for me. Hopefully I won't tangle with any aircraft circling in traffic. Doubtful, since the minimum traffic pattern altitude is 1000' AGL, except on final, and I'm nowhere near the landing approach leg.
I’ve noticed hover doesn’t show helipads,is there a way to set it so it does? Otherwise I can’t use it....there’s gobs of helipads in my area.
I asked a US helo pilot friend of mine your question. He said if the helipad is not part of an airport complex, the general rules are VFR. See and be seen. Announce presence on correct frequency, communicate actively with other helos. Apparently helipads do not have protected airspace around them (again, unless they're part of an airport). They are listed as Class G, meaning there's no control other than pilot communication, up to 1200' AGL (above ground level). He didn't know anything about Hover, since he's not a drone pilot, but he said, if you just be courteous and stay well clear of any helos (manned aircraft always have the right of way), you should have no problems. Just remember, a fixed wing aircraft could probably take a collision with a drone and have a high likelihood of continuing to fly. If you clip a helo's rotor blade it will likely bring the aircraft down. That will not be a good day for the crew or you. ;-)
Good to know since I will be in the us this summer. Ty for that. In Canada I’m not sure about protected airspace aspect,but I do believe that helipads in Canada are restricted up to 2km from the pad. So it quite sux that airmap is a dooosh outfit since they show helipads
I never downloaded airmap; it just appeared on my ipad as I was trying to take off from my house. I have flown 40 times from my house. Now suddenly it is a nfz and airmap pops up on my screen, asking me to agree to all kinds of stuff. I don't know how to delete airmap because I never downloaded it, and it does not appear as an app on my ipad.
I welcome help of any sort.
Are you sure it was Airmap or Go itself? Go and Mavic does have geofence data. You can selectively enable/disable different categories in the map on whether they show, warn only or ignore the various categories.
It was definitely airmap. I still don't know how it ended up on my ipad. A couple hours ago I updated the firmware and suddenly I am not in a no fly zone any more. Wahoo!
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