Look at all the AMA FRIAs Folks!
Just for your future Budgeting Questions: AMA dues are 85 Dollars a year and you will need the membership to get to the FRIA. oh and you not only must you hold an AMA card you also need to be a member of the local club and that will cost you a bit -50 to 300 a year, depending. Also plan to be busy a few weekends out of the year helping with Maintenance and gardening etc...Looks like FRIAs ain't Free! Oh and a very warm welcome to all you FUTURE members out there.
P.S. I hope they use all this new membership money to fix up the museum a little and maybe a better magazine.....
Don't mind us grumpy fixed wing guys Much lol Besides when flying Drones We get thrown way out in the field with the Helicopter nuts.
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