Not sure how the magnets will go so close to the aircraft systems, compass function etc.
You'll read threads about the IMU / compass conflicts, and flyaways causing many losses in the Crash / Flyaway section.
That's just near metal, rebar in a sidewalk, underground pipes, a vehicle hood, etc.
Those little magnets are pretty powerful.
Have you actually flown with this yet ?
If so, no problems I guess.
If not, be very careful, almost as soon as a pilot takes off, if this conflict is present makes the drone fly off on a tangent, gets worse and worse trying to correct the error, until either the system resolves, or more often the aircraft crashes or simply keeps flying, never to be seen again.
Before take off, go through the start up process, when GPS kicks in on the app, check the map, make sure the aircraft orientation matches that of the map aircraft direction.
If it's mismatched, you have an issue.