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Board photos or teardown


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
Anyone seen what's inside the mini?

Couldn't find any photos of the boards inside; this might mean the drone is hard to open.

It's also interesting because at this size, chips must restrict their power dissipation to not overheat the whole device.
I'm waiting to see the inside of the TX . I see a itelite panel on one . ?
Welcome to the forum quaddamage. ?
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Thought I saw 2.4 and 5.8.
Thought I saw 2.4 and 5.8.
Looked at it wrong .Screen Shot 2019-11-08 at 4.58.38 AM.png but bet it will be figured out . Just look what we did with all the Phantom wifis . Really haven't been keeping up with DBS since the Mavic's came out but didn't need to.
I still have these from all of that.
Thought I saw 2.4 and 5.8.
Perhaps you did. I am only familar with the 2.4 Ghz versions from the P3P and original P4 days. Once we got to Occusync with Auto 5.8 Ghz on the P4P, and Occusync 2 on the M2, I have never looked back.

However, a 5.8 Ghz Itelite on the MM remote would seem to be the perfect solution to the poorer enhanced WiFi signal for better range, supported natively by the much longer 27-30 minute flight time, without needing any external batteries, while remaining registration free! I think I just talked myself into buying one! Thank you!
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Looked at it wrong .View attachment 85107 but bet it will be figured out . Just look what we did with all the Phantom wifis . Really haven't been keeping up with DBS since the Mavic's came out but didn't need to.
I still have these from all of that.
View attachment 85108
Me, neither. I have an "aircraft" hangar with a half dozen of those myself!
I believe other brands of 5.8 Ghz flat panels are also already available. Too bad we can't use the old amplified 2.4Ghz Itelite stuff already on our shelves, and repurpose them for the Mavic Mini!
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Hey ain’t past me to tear some up and experiment .
The WiFi stuff was always what I liked to mess with
anyway. Is what attracted me to this mini. Just havn’t
had much time to keep up in this section with all the other
stuff going on. Getting time to though. :)
Where there is a will, there is a way!
We can't be the only ones looking to improve the 4 km range with a better antenna setup! The hard part has always been the external battery power to support the flight times necessary to reach the extended range. Mavic Mini's real life 27 minute flight time already exceeds the real life 23 minute flight time of the 5 mile range of the M2. That's huge!
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In Poland you are still at VLOS if you have a spotter and the spotter is in contact with you (ie. phone or walkie-talkies; not sure about smoke signals).
Just out of curiosity: how does that match with VLOS flying? I'd be willing to take a bet that you can't do anything more than FPV at these distances....

BTT: there are some pics here: Mavic Mini (A Look Inside)
Night flying is legal for hobbyists. Some strobes are all you need. Adding them means you are now above 250g, but so what? We are already registered!
Night flying is legal for hobbyists.
But (AFAIK) not everywhere on this planet, not even with strobes.

In Poland you are still at VLOS if you have a spotter
This is not in accordance with EU regulation 2019/947 so as of 1 July 2020 it will most probably be illegal
EU Regulation 2019/947 said:
Article 2
(7) ‘visual line of sight operation’ (‘VLOS’) means a type of UAS operation in which, the remote pilot is able to maintain continuous unaided visual contact with the unmanned aircraft, allowing the remote pilot to control the flight path of the unmanned aircraft in relation to other aircraft, people and obstacles for the purpose of avoiding collisions;

But we are getting off-topic......
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