Hi, I recently flew my
Mini 2 and got real close to a bird strike (
video:0:28) and wondered, assuming the Mini survived the fall and didn't land in water, what is the likelihood of a bird being able to totally destroy the drone, damage being beyond the props being wrecked? Also, if this did happen, am I required to report this (United Kingdom) to any sort of authority? Hypothetically speaking of course, as you can tell by the video not being a lot shorter..
I watched your video, Nice Video… At 0:20, I saw the birds taking off as your Drone approached, (No you were not chasing them…), but after they flew away from your drone, they circled back, probably heading back because there was good feeding down there…
I live near the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, USA, and even when I walk on the beach, the birds will take off but will circle back after I've passed…
If a bird hits your drone, it will most likely be an attack or your flight maneuvers caused the drone to hit the bird, not the bird hitting your drone accidently (they are not distracted by cell phone calls or texting…). When they are in flight, they do not bump into each other…
When they are flying they are "spacially aware" of where they are and where their buddies are. Think about a group of long distance runners all bunched up in a race, from the sideline you wonder how they do not trip over each other, but if you are in that group of runners, you know where you are and where everyone else is…
Check out this bird video…
But, to answer your question; of course a bird can damage your
Mini 2. There are plenty of YouTube Videos showing Drones being taken out on YouTube. Most likely, the bird will just hit it and destabilize it a bit; if there is no damage, Broken Prop, Arm being folded in, etc…, the Drone will probably recover.
Now, an attack on the drone is an entirely different matter… If a bird or a "gang" of birds, like a Murder of Crows (so appropriate a term…) should take a disliking to your drone, you should quickly gain altitude (Climb, Baby Climb…). Birds have a lot or flight capability, but quickly gaining altitude is not one of their fortes.
Seagulls and crows are as a group the most obvious birds to avoid and whatever you do; do not see how close you can get to a predator's nest (eagle, hawk, falcon, owl, etc…) to take photos. Besides probably being illegal; these birds, as a group, are the most ferocious at protecting their nests.
Happy Droning and Fly Safe…