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Congested area Map ??


New Member
Dec 30, 2019
Hi guys. I know its quite simple to measure my distance from nearest congested area using something like google maps or other maps. But is there any app for showing congested area on map?
Something like AirMap App or Drone Assist where on map is showing restricted zones of airport areas ect. But instead of that just to show if its safe to fly on your current location.
Hi guys. I know its quite simple to measure my distance from nearest congested area using something like google maps or other maps. But is there any app for showing congested area on map?
Something like AirMap App or Drone Assist where on map is showing restricted zones of airport areas ect. But instead of that just to show if its safe to fly on your current location.
Not quite sure what you mean by. congestion? Traffic or sky? Here is Google maps of the Miami area showing red as currentGoogle Maps-congestion in red.jpgGoogle Maps-congestion in red.jpg traffic congestion.
Not quite sure what you mean by. congestion? Traffic or sky? Here is Google maps of the Miami area showing red as currentView attachment 89193View attachment 89193 traffic congestion.
Sorry for confusing you. Well with congested area i mean city, town, public park ect. Here in UK i can't fly closer to these places by 150m, so i though would be cool to have a map which shows for example all (congested areas) near you on the map and their territory where they end. That would save time for every day flyers. Maybe somebody is aware of app like that.
Showing a restricted zone is easy as it is defined by specific parameters. Showing a "congested area" would be very vague. Who determines if an area is "congested"? You can have a road with one house or 50, which would be congested?

Or maybe you would prefer something showing population density?

I have not read or seen anything like you are asking for. Sorry can't really help.
Showing a restricted zone is easy as it is defined by specific parameters. Showing a "congested area" would be very vague. Who determines if an area is "congested"? You can have a road with one house or 50, which would be congested?

Or maybe you would prefer something showing population density?

I have not read or seen anything like you are asking for. Sorry can't really help.

I completely agree with you it would be hard to determine it. But for a beggining i was looking just for city and towns areas on maps.
Because its hard to know where the town ends if there is no territory specified on the map.
Well i think i will need then search deeper on every place where i will want to fly. I could just search for each town territorial space. And hopefully i will find that.

Anyways cheers for help. I would leave this thread open just in case somebody find something in future.
In the US you can download VFR maps from the FAA that show the congested area in yellow. I suspect they would be similar in the UK from the CAA.