This is what drives me nuts. The people who cite privacy, yet don't seem to have any issue whatsoever with all the other actual intrusions on their privacy. With those things they simply shrug their shoulders and live with it, but because of the mania/paranoia that gets whipped up by just a word...drone...suddenly many are on a personal crusade against anyone who happens to be using one.
And as far as privacy goes. I live next to a real POS. I could be a NYT best selling author if I jotted things him and his girlfriend have done down into a book. Two years ago he installed surveillance cameras all over his house. If you walked into a casino you'd be watched by less cameras than this guy put up. One of them he mounted on a corner of his house that should aim across his property if his concern was truly his own safety, but instead it was pointed the opposite direction, directly at my pool where my pre teen daughter and her friends frequently spend time. I traveled every avenue I could seeking a legal solution to get him to stop perving on my children and wife. There was nothing I could do to get it to point elsewhere. So what I did was install several panels of lattice standing 10' tall immediately in front of the camera, on my property and planted with clematis and grapes to block his view into the pool. The very day I blocked his sight into my pool, he climbed a tree and installed ANOTHER camera way up in the tree to see over the obstacle I placed in his way so he could continue voyeuring. I went again down the legal route insisting this had to demonstrate his true intentions but still got no relief. So I went to staples and had an 8' long 2' tall banner printed, essentially alluding to his being a pedophile and placed an extension on my obstacle to hang the banner, facing his property. Sure enough, hours later he and his girlfriend called the police on us....again. The police came and I was expecting to have to take the sign down. However, the officer stood in his backyard and read the sign. Looked up into the tree and spotted the camera. He asked my neighbor if he put that camera up there. My neighbor replied that he did to which the police responded "then go pound sand" and they promptly left. The camera remains with nothing I can do about it even though it's readily obvious it's meant just to spy on my young daughter but my sign remains too for all their company to enjoy and question them as to why it exists.