I've been looking more at OpenSky for my trip in November.
Final edit here up top . . . sorry for the long reply, but you did ask a lot, lol.
It's a huge country, and no joke so much to see / do.
How long are you staying ? (And from where ?)
That's an AWFUL big area / states / places etc you plan visiting.
Possible I guess in say a month, but boy it will be rushed.
I think I saw you post in the other thread re Nat Parks, and sure I answered that park of your question there.
Noosa, Rainbow Beach and Double Island Point, all ok to fly and I've 4WDd through the latter 2 places quite a bit.
Forget totally any of Victoria's National Parks, same with NSW and Tasmania.
Tassie is great, a little south of the Tasman Peninsula is Bruny Island, do the boat trip from Adventure Bay to The Friars, now that is a no drone trip but well worth doing.
I've car toured and walked all sort of remote paces in Tassie, it really is wonderful, and you could fly a drone in some of the really way out there places if you wanted, no one for kms, hard to get to those though.
Other more urban places here, most 'councils' (what you might call something else there you are from), probably have bans from take off, landing, operating a drone from land under their authorisation.
Public parks, sports grounds etc mostly.
That's a big chunk of some of the city's urban places.
I guess if you have clear or orange zones, and want a nice shot of Manly from a safe end, away from people, sunrise shots before the place might be packed, then take it up almost dead above, take the shot(s) come down, that way no one is going to bother you too much.
If you go fly down the beach, you might get more attention.
I'd keep clear of Sydney Harbour in general, but same could apply there.
If someone from the Bot Gardens approached after getting a couple of shots, you either be walking out with drone in bag, or packing up, they'd ask you not to fly there perhaps.
Keep in mind, most councils have bylaws sometimes hidden away on their websites, I usually check by googling the name of the council, eg > city of * < and > drones < see what comes up.
You could do that with Sydney Royal Bot Gardens etc too . . . eg . . .
Making the Garden a safe and enjoyable place for all of our visitors is our priority; we're also committed to protecting the Garden's plants and animals.
SOME places that get a lot of tourist attention will possibly have 'No Drone' signage, not sure, haven't been to Sydney around the harbour for a long time, or bothered looking into other places too much for them.
Check the DJI Flysafe Geo Map too, it can be rather erroneous of what they see fit to fly vs what CASA say is ok.
Enjoy your trip, but maybe think about choosing one or two general locations and having some relaxing time, unless you really do want to see 'a little of a lot' as a guide for future trips with more time to explore what you discover.