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Do you think you will still be flying these things in 12 months?


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
I am thinking more and more that we are going the way of Canada. The way we went in the 80's & 90's with ultralight aircraft. We got regulated
out of existence back then in a matter of a very few years once the bureaucrats took over. You guys should take a look at this very entertaining
but sober video. I have a dozen drones that I now can't fly out of my back yard because "they" extended their little green squares another few miles from the nearest airport
If nothing else, this video is entertaining at the least.
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repost. we've seen the video, if nothing else because we actually watch drone videos on yt from time to time. the way i see it, 90% of the drones flying in america today are under no rules at all. seems to me, before we go out of business, we have an alternative route. ;)
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before we go out of business, we have an alternative route. ;)
What would that be?
the way i see it, 90% of the drones flying in america today are under no rules at all. seems to me, before we go out of business, we have an alternative route. ;)
What would that be?

context is important. i dunno, maybe do with the other 90% is doing i guess. if the government tells you to cease flying in june 2020, they're pulling the plug on this horrible "experiment" and this disaster has gone on long enough then what are YOU going to do? i know what i'm going to do.

you're fine. i think in the other thread, we commented this was more humorous or like satire, meant to poke fun more than anything else.
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if the government tells you to cease flying in june 2020, they're pulling the plug on this horrible "experiment" and this disaster has gone on long enough then what are YOU going to do? i know what i'm going to do.
If the government tells you to ... <insert ridiculous hypothetical situation here>, what are you going to do?
Can you come up with a reason your government would even think of telling you to cease flying?
Do you live in North Korea?
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I have the 107, and make some money using the drone.
Just got a new to me zoom, so yes I'll still be flying in 12 months.
To alleviate seeing that same old same old, you have to travel away further
I imagine that photographers grapple with the same what to do photograph next dilemma.
I like to shoot street photography to eliminate that dilemma. You never know what your going to get with street photography. It's fun, and I recommend it to balance out the aerial only perspective. Just have to avoid being obnoxious with it.
if the laws here get like Canada's there will be a lot of outlaws. Theres already I'm sure 1000's of kids with drones that haven't a clue about registering their drone or any thing about how to fly safe. But if the law changes to the point its ridiculous Like Canada I'll be an outlaw too. I fly mostly in remote places where theres very few if any people around and usually pretty nice scenery and always under 400ft and VLOS so yea I'm gonna fly no matter what. Im not gonna fly near airports , and occupied stadiums. over crowds of people. or in the big cities. Hopefully they won't make me become an outlaw ?
Until there is enforcement, these laws are pointless. I am 100.00% certain that the only enforcement will be where it actually matters, for instance, at stadiums.

I was involved in helping a person prepare a paper on drone threats. This was going to be presented to the head of one of our national security agencies. The big concern is drone swarms. Individual drones, in almost all cases, don't really present any new or unusual threat. Yes, you can invent scenarios where "drone hits person;" "drone hits car;" "drone interferes with some activity;" and so on. Those things will happen. However, they all happen already with things other than drones and therefore the drone itself doesn't really add anything new.

The one exception is interaction with airplanes. That is real (although the threat is massively overstated, because it is very difficult for a small object to actually strike a plane). However, because the consequences are so horrible, plane interference WILL be enforced (i.e., people will be caught and fined and put in jail). Also, illegal drone swarms will be enforced (countermeasures are already partially in place).

Nothing new or different will happen to someone who causes property damage with their drone. Even without anti-drone laws, if a person started a wildfire, broke some glass, invaded someone's privacy, or hurt someone with a drone, they'd already have to pay a fine or go to jail. We have laws for that, and these new anti-drone laws seem to me to be entirely for show.

If we want to stop all activities which might cause a problem, we'll all have to stay home.
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If the government tells you to ... <insert ridiculous hypothetical situation here>, what are you going to do?
Can you come up with a reason your government would even think of telling you to cease flying?
Do you live in North Korea?

stay on topic please.

op asked if we fly in 12 months or not?

you should ask him why he thinks "or not" is on the table, he's the one who posed the question.

please stay on topic, this has nothing to do with north korea or hypothetical situation. if you want to discuss the likelihood that hobby droning could be eliminated by next year, please start that topic and i'll be happy to weigh in.

the short answer is YES i absolutely can think of a reason why the u..s government could and would declare cease operations on all non-essential drone flights effective xx/xx/20xx grounding all drones. start another thread if you are interested, i don't want to be accused of hijacking.
Until there is enforcement, these laws are pointless.

Been saying it all along, here for example (Australia) we will soon have registration and licencing too, but it will require a new industry almost, a huge new range of trained personnel, and tech gear to track and force drones to land etc.

There are already CASA drone rules to fly here, and they basically aren't changing, yet where is the proactive enforcement ?
There is only reactive prosecutions, and only when it's a very obvious drone incident, or they realise something has occurred.

It's all about control, or the feeling they (govco) have control.
In reality, they may get some Aeroscope units, and some drone guns here and there to attend big events, possible terror targets, maybe rotate around larger airports, and THAT'S a good thing . . .

But in the main, I don't think we average hobbyists will see much of a change, apart from paying an annual registration fee, and feeling under the thumb just a little bit more ?
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the short answer is YES i absolutely can think of a reason why the u..s government could and would declare cease operations on all non-essential drone flights effective xx/xx/20xx grounding all drones.
I'm always amazed that so many US citizens are so ready to believe their government is going to take away their drones.
I can't imagine a logical reason why that would happen.
I'd be most interested to hear your thoughts.
And no, I don't think it would be hijacking this thread.
stay on topic please.

op asked if we fly in 12 months or not?

you should ask him why he thinks "or not" is on the table, he's the one who posed the question.

Meta4 is very much on topic because the OP stated in his post very clearly why he thinks "or not":

I am thinking more and more that we are going the way of Canada. The way we went in the 80's & 90's with ultralight aircraft. We got regulated out of existence back then in a matter of a very few years once the bureaucrats took over.

And I agree with Meta4's assessment. This is much worrying about nothing. Especially since the FAA just went through the lengthy rule-making process. They're not likely to revisit the subject for awhile.
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I will go with the flow, I will obey and follow the law to the letter. But I know one thing , as of now, this moment in time we can fly drones, with some rules in place so I will enjoy and have fun flying my drones.
you can see this coming from a mile away, it's so obvious.

there will be one major incident involving a terrorist and a drone and then all of a sudden, a federal law will be implemented and you'll have no choice but to obey it. congress will have no say in the matter.

They may not go whole hog but it might be something like this: "Starting July 1, 2020 no hobby drone may legally launch in any airspace with a camera attached. Only part 107 pilots during a mission may launch a drone with a camera but transmission of the video feed to the operator shall be unlawful." Otherwise, continue to enjoy your drones.

Flying a drone is not a right protected by the constitution. So it's not a matter of if, but when.
you can see this coming from a mile away, it's so obvious.

there will be one major incident involving a terrorist and a drone and then all of a sudden, a federal law will be implemented and you'll have no choice but to obey it. congress will have no say in the matter.
Because that's what's happened with everything else that can be misused to cause harm.
Like we're no longer allowed to possess or own cars, trucks, planes, fireworks, fertiliser, firearms etc, etc.
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