Ok, now that we've determined the pilot was an idiot, intentionally trying to delay the patient needed medical attention and that they should be hung from the nearest tree... 
What's the law say? Doesn't the drone pilot have the right to fly? Is the drone pilot responsible for staying grounded until they check with every other grounded aircraft about their future intentions? Or does the UAV have the right to operate until the Helicopter takes off and THEN the immediate duty to give way?
I routinely have Coast Guard helicopters fly over my house at a few hundred feet in unrestricted airspace. I had two F/A-18's drop in VERY low the other day out of nowhere. If I'm at 400' and they come in under me, are we still in shared airspace or do we just just blame the UAV pilot first?
The patch article doesn't have enough info to determine the facts. I appreciate everyone having their stakes and ignition sources at the ready, but couldn't any one of us unintentionally be in this situation?

What's the law say? Doesn't the drone pilot have the right to fly? Is the drone pilot responsible for staying grounded until they check with every other grounded aircraft about their future intentions? Or does the UAV have the right to operate until the Helicopter takes off and THEN the immediate duty to give way?
I routinely have Coast Guard helicopters fly over my house at a few hundred feet in unrestricted airspace. I had two F/A-18's drop in VERY low the other day out of nowhere. If I'm at 400' and they come in under me, are we still in shared airspace or do we just just blame the UAV pilot first?
The patch article doesn't have enough info to determine the facts. I appreciate everyone having their stakes and ignition sources at the ready, but couldn't any one of us unintentionally be in this situation?