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droning near a major sporting event - commercial pilots only


New Member
Jun 5, 2017
San Francisco
hey guys,

So I work only 0.5 miles away from a major league ballpark. Obviously, a TFR will be in place during the games. However, If I take off from my office and remain within a 400ft elevation of the highest point of my office - is that still considered controlled airspace and can I take my picture? or does the TFR wipe that out?

Also, do the rules change for private property (like my home) vs. my office (business property? not sure if its still considered private if it's commercial)

any advice or logic on this would be helpful
While there may be exceptions, all the TFR's I have seen run from about an hour before the event to some period after the event; running from the surface to "X" feet (higher than you can legally fly, like 3000 AGL) As a result, it would seem that a recreational pilot would be out of luck. If I understand things, even a commercial pilot would have to apply for an authorization 90 days out and be able to provide a variety of information to justify granting the authorization.
IIRC there is a 3 mile exclusion zone around a MLB park a little before, and during the game.

The new regulation just came out in the last week.

Your AGL is a moot point as you are in the radius, and the rules do not differentiate between commercial and other zoning classifications.

Can I fly a model aircraft or UAS over a stadium or sporting events for hobby or recreation?
No. Federal law restricts UAS from flying at or below 3,000 AGL within a 3 nautical mile radius of any stadium with a seating capacity of 30,000 or more people during a Major League Baseball (MLB), regular or post-season National Football League (NFL), or NCAA Division I football game, or major motor speedway event. This temporary flight restriction applies to the entire U.S. domestic National Airspace System, and takes effect starting one hour before the scheduled event time until one hour after the event concludes. The FAA gives further detail in a Notice to Airmen
IIRC there is a 3 mile exclusion zone around a MLB park a little before, and during the game.

The new regulation just came out in the last week.

Your AGL is a moot point as you are in the radius, and the rules do not differentiate between commercial and other zoning classifications.

Can I fly a model aircraft or UAS over a stadium or sporting events for hobby or recreation?
No. Federal law restricts UAS from flying at or below 3,000 AGL within a 3 nautical mile radius of any stadium with a seating capacity of 30,000 or more people during a Major League Baseball (MLB), regular or post-season National Football League (NFL), or NCAA Division I football game, or major motor speedway event. This temporary flight restriction applies to the entire U.S. domestic National Airspace System, and takes effect starting one hour before the scheduled event time until one hour after the event concludes. The FAA gives further detail in a Notice to Airmen

curious. With what you stated what are the rules when there is no even inside said stadium?
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