My very first flight was to a distance of about two miles. Before anyone pounces on me, please be aware I have loads of experience flying other quads, when I launched my MP for the first time, it all felt very natural. My intent was to see if I could reach a park about two miles distant; it was a "litmus test" for my MP and needless to say, I didn't waste any time seeing if it would comfortably fly that far.
I live on the outskirts of Las Vegas where no building is higher than two stories, so that wasn't an issue. I did my homework and set my RTH height sufficiently before flying.
The very reason many of us gravitated toward the MP is its incredible range. Yes, it's illegal to fly outside of LOS. But I would humbly suggest that POV flying is half the fun.
Other silly laws: The US government makes us register drones. But here in Nevada, you can have as many unlicensed, unregistered firearms as you choose. Which thing do you think poses a greater safety risk?