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Gotten insurance with State Farm? If so please read!


Active Member
Feb 3, 2017
For many people it's hard to find an agent that is familiar with insuring drones in their state. Many agents won't do it or will do it but with a large deductible or other catch. I made a quick form to submit the contact info of agents who wrote a drone policy so that others can find agents easily.

The form is 8 very quick questions that should take less than a minute of your time while helping others save a ton of time with trying to find an agent. My goal for this is to have every state covered.

Form: ... L374jsmZnw/viewform

Results: ... edit#gid=1180163488

For those that don't know about insurance through State Farm, you can get your drone insured through their PAP (Personal Articles Policy) for $60 a year and no deductible. It will cover both lost / stolen as well as accidental damage (crash). Unlike refresh it does not require you to have the drone to make a claim, can be renewed each year, covers accessories, has no 48 hour limit, and you get a brand new drone (no repairs or refurbished).
The only problem is that each agent and underwriter has their own discretion, so many people need to all around before finding one that will write the policy.
Tons of great info here: ... rm_insurance_guide/
Good info!!

I just added my insurance agent to the document, great resource for others to quickly find an agent.

Please add your agents info for others.
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I called them, asked for it, they gave me a price, I agreed and paid them $60 over the phone then emailed them the receipt for the Mavic. Simple as that.
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I've got a question what if you bought your drone used or have no proof of purchase?
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I've got a question what if you bought your drone used or have no proof of purchase?

In my country, which is faaaaar away, I would simply have to bring in the drone or with some trusted method prove it's existence and that it wasn't broken already....
I'm pretty sure that's the deal in most places since most if not all insurance company's actually have insurance for the damage caused by you cashing out.... And so on. So in the end everyone are bound by same small print because it all end in the desk at some huge companys in the insurance industry.

Don't ask me how in the world such business model don't go ***********. In my mind it is f***Ing itself. But somehow this is profitable even tough it looks like a scam going whole round before it has to blow up into someone face.
I should have researched the OP further. On the Reddit link it specifies you can take pictures of the drone w/serial number, etc.

Thanks guys.
I've got a question what if you bought your drone used or have no proof of purchase?
I don't know if that will work or not. When I got my insurance, they wanted a receipt and serial number. My Fry's receipt had the serial number on it. You might want to contact the seller and see if he/she still has the receipt.
I assume that this is something only people who have home owners insurance with State Farm can get?

I added my Mavic to my State farm insurance yesterday in IL. $60 bucks a year and liability thru renters so if i hit someones property or them i'm covered.Plus if i crash or lose Mavic i'm covered. Think its around $6 a month all together and no deductible.
Here is the current "coverage".

Add Utah to the list as well. An agent in Park City has agreed to cover mine and has written this policy up a "few" times before.

On another note, has anyone had any luck insuring theirs through Farmers? That would be ideal for me as they already insure me on home and auto.
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It doesn't make sense why would a insurance company accept a 60 dollar a year with no deductible policy...and if you crash in 3 months for example, they just say " oh yeah no problem here is your 1000 dollars for a new one sorry about that crash." .... there has to be some catch, like has anyone used a claim through State Farm for their drone? Like is it one crash done no more policy? Or how many crashes do you get?
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The catch is, if you keep filing claims, good luck on getting a decent rate, when you go shopping for insurance.

I did read here on someone who filed a claim on there Mavic and it was a painless process from what I remember.

I'd like to know about Farmers insurance too, as I'd like to move my home and car to them, would be nice if I could get similar coverage for some of my remote aircraft from them too.
The catch is, if you keep filing claims, good luck on getting a decent rate, when you go shopping for insurance.

I did read here on someone who filed a claim on there Mavic and it was a painless process from what I remember.

I'd like to know about Farmers insurance too, as I'd like to move my home and car to them, would be nice if I could get similar coverage for some of my remote aircraft from them too.

Yeah how would they know, let's say you go with state farm then you go to geico... is tied to your ssn?
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