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How long before preventative laws make drone flying as boring as everything else again?


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2017
The spectrum would include:

- Registering
- Licencing
- a Pilots licencing
- A schedule 1 through 4 Device
- For all essential purposes; Unobtainium?

I think it's an important discussion.
The new warning upon entering gives one the feeling it's beginnning
its already restrictive and boring DJi style unless you have modded the mavic. or you fly in the mojave desert or not anywhere near a town, city, airport, sports stadium, grass strip or recreational airfield, mmm over people buildings national parks, now what else have i forgot? oh young offenders institutions goverment buildings nuclear facillities, near a fire or any emergency service. soooooooo ..................
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The spectrum would include:

- Registering
- Licencing
- a Pilots licencing
- A schedule 1 through 4 Device
- For all essential purposes; Unobtainium?

I think it's an important discussion.
The new warning upon entering gives one the feeling it's beginnning

It can only be boring if you decide to stay on the "official path".
But luckily only you can decide what you want to do with your drone.
If it gets too restricted...then up to you to choose another "path" and still be able to enjoy your hobby.
I decided to be free and take my own responsabilities.
its already restrictive and boring DJi style unless you have modded the mavic. or you fly in the mojave desert or not anywhere near a town, city, airport, sports stadium, grass strip or recreational airfield, mmm over people buildings national parks, now what else have i forgot? oh young offenders institutions goverment buildings nuclear facillities, near a fire or any emergency service. soooooooo ..................

I think you covered it. Like anything fun, you have to jump in early to have fun with it until people whinge and complain and the laws, rules and regs make it too much a burden to own and use. Seen it on virtually anything, Paint ball, Remote gas powered airplanes, Mountain biking, ATV riding, etc. Soon they will have "Drone parks" and you will have to go fight for airspace and flight time.

I have already grown tired of the snide comments people make about owning a drone.
It's crazy. Cruise ships are banning drones; make sure you check your airline if they'll allow a drone with lipos as carry on or checked; certainly check the laws of a foreign country; national parks are a no go etc. Not too mention public perception of illegal activity when you are not prohibited from flying. Privacy rights activists say "don't fly over my property"

Tighter reigns on software/firmware. I live within a No Fly Zone and couldn't launch my craft from inside of the house. (Wishing there was an indoor mode")

I went on vacation and didn't bother taking my Mavic. And this is not a whine...these are things you'll eventually run into.
It seems that dark side is strong among drone flyers. It's tempting but as movies show light side always wins
*****, whine, moan, groan, complain about laws, rules and regulations that have been put in place because of rude, inconsiderate, thoughtless people like you who think a $1,000 toy gives you special rights and privelages.
You want to know why people feel the way they do about drones? If what I wrote above does not make it clear, look in the mirror and read your own postings.
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It can only be boring if you decide to stay on the "official path".
But luckily only you can decide what you want to do with your drone.
If it gets too restricted...then up to you to choose another "path" and still be able to enjoy your hobby.
I decided to be free and take my own responsabilities.
Agreed so did i way before many people did but we are not even allowed to talk about that right coz its the "DARK SIDE" lmao my drone rarely goes out too much mainly because its boring to fly round here and the weather. They can make as many laws as they want but just like FW parameter changes they have to actually try to enforce it and i do not see that they will do that with the state of policing here already.

Yesterday as happens once a week when the kids go on holiday, they threw a rock through a bus window. common problem, this time it ended up with a passenger hit in the head by said rock and ending up in hospital. They bus was not stationary when hit.
once a week sometimes more and yet they are concerned over drone incidents that have not happened.
Yes we have some responsibility to police ourselves but the laws do not reflect the crime.

they can take their course and shove it unless the price is reasonable. in that case i will have no hesitation in taking the course and registering coz modded or not i feel when i fly that i try to do so in a way that does not piss people off, i let them watch, speak to them, hell i even let them fly the drone if they want. I trust it far more than i should.

i do not mind having insurance but if i am going to have to do all that then let me fly my ******** drone and stop grounding everyone till only Amazon can fly and carry ten kilo payloads to drop on peoples heads.

Edited to say if i wanted too i could fly from my house and land mine on Heathrows runway at 60mph but do i do that?

no i drive 15 miles or more to fly over the same fields of trees and bushes just to get her in the air. The rules are already in place enforce them better do not make more rules you will not enforce anyway.
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It's crazy. Cruise ships are banning drones; make sure you check your airline if they'll allow a drone with lipos as carry on or checked; certainly check the laws of a foreign country; national parks are a no go etc. Not too mention public perception of illegal activity when you are not prohibited from flying. Privacy rights activists say "don't fly over my property"

Tighter reigns on software/firmware. I live within a No Fly Zone and couldn't launch my craft from inside of the house. (Wishing there was an indoor mode")

I went on vacation and didn't bother taking my Mavic. And this is not a whine...these are things you'll eventually run into.
there is an indoor mode, :) as mentioned above you just have to go look for it :)
In the end I will fly as I have never been a conformist and never will be. I am very responsible, respectful, common sense flyer.

At this point I have not had any issues. I will fly until I get a violation or it becomes a burden then I will move onto another hobby.
*****, whine, moan, groan, complain about laws, rules and regulations that have been put in place because of rude, inconsiderate, thoughtless people like you who think a $1,000 toy gives you special rights and privelages.
You want to know why people feel the way they do about drones? If what I wrote above does not make it clear, look in the mirror and read your own postings.

As with all special hobbies its not the majority that creates the issues, its always the minority. Been the case for every hobby I have taken up to now. Always a handful that ruin it for the rest.
I agree with everyone that safe, legal flight areas are extremely boring after after a few flights. What can we do??? Our hobby is in such a sad state and getting worse and worse. I am speaking of Canada but could easily apply this all over the world. Is this the death of the drone or uav for consumers? Soon it will just be the government and police using it to spy and control us after they have completely neutered us of drones/uav. This is in similar contrast to guns in Canada. Also bchydro, most state parks, provincial parks, and maybe regional parks (or any park for that matter) will stop us from using it eventually..... I mean , it is very very hard to use it without trespassing, breaking a law or offending anyone. Also the fines are extremely expensive, ludicrous imho. Obviously a scare tactic. Life and society in general is becoming more and more restrictive, only the privileged or rich will be able to enjoy their toys and obviously that's wrong but that's not new, life is unfair, blah blah blah. I am going to enjoy the last few weeks of rec drone flying till it becomes just too unbearable to fly. Definitely won't buy any new drones unless I get certified with more freedom or things change for the better in uav usage. I spend almost 10x as much time dealing with regulations and research than actual flying.
Hum.... after reading these depressing posts I'm considering canceling my Mavic order. I was looking forward to gluing some wings and a beak on it, and dive bombing tourists on the beach, and now Im being told that's a no, no!
*****, whine, moan, groan, complain about laws, rules and regulations that have been put in place because of rude, inconsiderate, thoughtless people like you who think a $1,000 toy gives you special rights and privelages.
You want to know why people feel the way they do about drones? If what I wrote above does not make it clear, look in the mirror and read your own postings.

Look up in the Air, It's a Pilot post!
Pilot Posters, Keeping the world Safe & Sensible for those who aren't as skilled and Zen as they are
in all things airborne.

Hum.... after reading these depressing posts I'm considering canceling my Mavic order. I was looking forward to gluing some wings and a beak on it, and dive bombing tourists on the beach, and now Im being told that's a no, no!

That's probably scarcasm, but please if you are considering a Mavic. Please go ahead with it and have your fun.
It sucks to think anyone would miss out on the Mavic experience (Especially if new to drones)

I dont know if those firmware update/restrictions were only for America (FAA).
But I just ignored them. I can still use DJI GO to calibrate and fly anywhere I like with Litchi.
Everyone would enjoy Litchi anyway

Social pressures disgust me sometime. People get depressed, or worse, because of unfair prejudice from accepted "society"
Hell, depression is taboo in my country. So taboo, we have our own Forest, that if your feeling leaned on, it's socially accepted to go there and do your thing.

But I majorly digress.
Just saying you have to get your fun out of life despite what others think.
Its up to you to decide when your out of line.

Look up in the Air, It's a Pilot post!
Pilot Posters, Keeping the world Safe & Sensible for those who aren't as skilled and Zen as they are
in all things airborne.

That's probably scarcasm, but please if you are considering a Mavic. Please go ahead with it and have your fun.
It sucks to think anyone would miss out on the Mavic experience (Especially if new to drones)

I dont know if those firmware update/restrictions were only for America (FAA).
But I just ignored them. I can still use DJI GO to calibrate and fly anywhere I like with Litchi.
Everyone would enjoy Litchi anyway

Social pressures disgust me sometime. People get depressed, or worse, because of unfair prejudice from accepted "society"
****, depression is taboo in my country. So taboo, we have our own Forest, that if your feeling leaned on, it's socially accepted to go there and do your thing.

But I majorly digress.
Just saying you have to get your fun out of life despite what others think.
Its up to you to decide when your out of line.


I'm just joking. I live in northern New Mexico, lots of wide open spaces. My Mavic is coming next week, never had a drone before so it should be fun. What is Litchi?
You'll have a ball with your distance then :)
You dont get much further than 2km in the city

Litchi is great App. Basically has everything DJI GO 4 has, but with a huge ammount of flight options.
Most prominent would be creating / customising missions for your drone with waypoints.
You can do it at your home/leisure, then just press play once your there & mavic is ready to go.

Customisable buttons & VR (via google cardboard) are some other great features.
Flying Mavic VR continues to blow my mind
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make sure you check your airline if they'll allow a drone with lipos as carry on or checked;
The only one I've encountered where you can't take your drone as carry-on is Emirates when flying through Dubai - though this is possibly more to do with the Dubai terminal security folk, the check-in in Sydney assured me it was fine in carry-on, but I've read others had issue at the scanners immediately AFTER exiting the plane before going into the main terminal building. Emirates didn't care about it on a SYD-AKL leg. (OTOH, Etihad going through Abu Dhabi didn't care, I had one of the first class apartments and the flight crew were happy to have me do a tear-down and full power up of my Solo somewhere over the ocean)
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