Precision isn't necessary for a speculative discussion. Integral and "average" are good enough. Heck the useful approximation techs use is .707 x peak voltage.
I seem to recall I've detailed my technical background in another thread.
As far as hand waving - look at a picture of the ESC board. See any large caps on there? Me neither. I can state with a a certainty that the circuit is protected against back emf - it would be reckless for an engineer
not to - especially since a suppression diode is usually built in to most power MOSFETs for motor control.
Refer to page 8 I provided the math for a resistive/capacitive network based on your assertion there was some capacitor holding the charge. Now it appears you are trying to assert the inductive collapse alone would prolong the voltage. In fact I can practically write a check on the premise the power outputs of the ESC are diode protected - they dump the energy which is an even faster discharge than involving an imaginary big capacitor. I never said the values reported weren't RMS - I specifically said integral keeping it simple since that is in fact a mostly true statement sufficient to make a point. Really - why is it you go to such extraordinary lengths to refute almost everything I post on this board and reduce it to an exercise in minutiae?