Yesterday I had set up a mission with two waypoints that had rotate actions in them.
The mission would not load, and the error was: Upload failed - The waypoint has an invalid rotation action parameters(code-5131).
I have attached the mission from the Litchi Hub below.
The two waypoints rotation actions are in waypoint 8 & 11.
Waypoint 8 rotation action is: 170 (degrees) and waypoint 11 rotation action is: 270 (degrees)
For waypoint 8, the heading was 54 degrees and I wanted the Mavic to turn right, almost around.
For waypoint 11, the Mavic heading was 84 degrees and I wanted it to turn (clockwise to due west).
Can anyone guess which waypoint was the problem and why it was a problem?
Also, side question,if I want the Mavic to turn left 90 degrees, wouldn't I used -90 rotation action?
I've attached the mission in zipped format. Thanks!
Yesterday I had set up a mission with two waypoints that had rotate actions in them.
The mission would not load, and the error was: Upload failed - The waypoint has an invalid rotation action parameters(code-5131).
I have attached the mission from the Litchi Hub below.
The two waypoints rotation actions are in waypoint 8 & 11.
Waypoint 8 rotation action is: 170 (degrees) and waypoint 11 rotation action is: 270 (degrees)
For waypoint 8, the heading was 54 degrees and I wanted the Mavic to turn right, almost around.
For waypoint 11, the Mavic heading was 84 degrees and I wanted it to turn (clockwise to due west).
Can anyone guess which waypoint was the problem and why it was a problem?
Also, side question,if I want the Mavic to turn left 90 degrees, wouldn't I used -90 rotation action?
I've attached the mission in zipped format. Thanks!