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Lost Mavic Platinum Pro. Can Someone Help With Flight Logs?


New Member
Nov 24, 2017
Hi guys. I am new to the forum. I have been flying RC for 30 years. I have been flying FPV for about 5 years. My main quad is Inspire. About 2 weeks ago I purchased the Mavic Pro Platinum. The portability looked amazing! I had about 20 flights in with it. Yesterday while flying I got multiple strong interference warnings while returning to home. Then my controller disconnected. I have not seen my Mavic since. I used find my drone to find the last transmitted coordinates. My wife and I have spent several hours walking through swamps and cow poop to no avail. After reflecting on the situation and thinking about what I should have done differently, I am stuck with a question that is making tracking down the Mavic very difficult. Toward the end of the flight I received multiple high interference warnings and my controller disconnected. I was descending while this happened. Part of me thinks the Mavic still continued to descend but I was not getting updated telemetry. This would have made me believe I was at a higher elevation than I actually was. I am thinking the Mavic might have descended into a group of trees and crashed. On the other hand I am thinking when the controller disconnected the Mavic kept flying but because of the interference never sent updated coordinates or any other telemetry. Then I am guessing the battery got low and it auto landed.

Despite the high interference, Mavic seemed to be flying the correct course to get back to the home point. Therefore if the interference affected the compass or gps then it happened after it disconnected form the controller.

I have searched around the last transmitted coordinates and walked a lot of the projected flight path. I am thinking about possibly flying Inspire over the last transmitted coordinates and seeing if I can get a different perspective of the area.

I know some of you guys are really **** good at reading and interpreting flight log information and could possibly help me narrow my search hopefully recovering the Mavic.

Any help would be very much appreciated.
Check out your TXT flight log to see if it explains what happened. You can upload and view it online here. If you'd like other people to review and comment on your flight log, then please post a link back here after you upload it.
I would expect the Mavic to trigger RTH automatically when disconnected from RC. It should stop, turn to the correct bearing and head straight to where it took off. Unless the interference affected the Mavic’s GPS too. You didn’t rush towards last know location instead of waiting a little to see if it returned to home positions?
I would expect the Mavic to trigger RTH automatically when disconnected from RC. It should stop, turn to the correct bearing and head straight to where it took off. Unless the interference affected the Mavic’s GPS too. You didn’t rush towards last know location instead of waiting a little to see if it returned to home positions?
I waited a while to see if it returned home. I would say about 5 minutes. The Mavic never reconnected to the controller which lead be to believe it wasn’t coming back. I am figuring if the Mavic continued to fly home it would reestablish a connection with the controller. At that point I went to look for it based on the last transmitted coordinates.
Does anyone know why the flight logs would show the last know location different form the one find my drone shows?
Does anyone know why the flight logs would show the last know location different form the one find my drone shows?
The location should be the same since the find my drone feature uses data from the same flight log.
Hi guys. I am new to the forum. I have been flying RC for 30 years. I have been flying FPV for about 5 years. My main quad is Inspire. About 2 weeks ago I purchased the Mavic Pro Platinum. The portability looked amazing! I had about 20 flights in with it. Yesterday while flying I got multiple strong interference warnings while returning to home. Then my controller disconnected. I have not seen my Mavic since. I used find my drone to find the last transmitted coordinates. My wife and I have spent several hours walking through swamps and cow poop to no avail. After reflecting on the situation and thinking about what I should have done differently, I am stuck with a question that is making tracking down the Mavic very difficult. Toward the end of the flight I received multiple high interference warnings and my controller disconnected. I was descending while this happened. Part of me thinks the Mavic still continued to descend but I was not getting updated telemetry. This would have made me believe I was at a higher elevation than I actually was. I am thinking the Mavic might have descended into a group of trees and crashed. On the other hand I am thinking when the controller disconnected the Mavic kept flying but because of the interference never sent updated coordinates or any other telemetry. Then I am guessing the battery got low and it auto landed.

Despite the high interference, Mavic seemed to be flying the correct course to get back to the home point. Therefore if the interference affected the compass or gps then it happened after it disconnected form the controller.

I have searched around the last transmitted coordinates and walked a lot of the projected flight path. I am thinking about possibly flying Inspire over the last transmitted coordinates and seeing if I can get a different perspective of the area.

I know some of you guys are really **** good at reading and interpreting flight log information and could possibly help me narrow my search hopefully recovering the Mavic.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Same thing happened to me a month ago. Lost sight of my drone, activated the Return To Home sequence but never saw my drone again. Send thru all the logs to DJI but no help. Worst part is that I'm not even sure WHAT I did wrongly so learned nothing from this painful lesson so far...
Worst part is that I'm not even sure WHAT I did wrongly so learned nothing from this painful lesson so far...
Check out your TXT flight log to see if it explains what happened. You can upload and view it online here. If you'd like other people to review and comment on your flight log, then create a new thread, explain your story, and post a link to your uploaded flight log.
Hi guys. I am new to the forum. I have been flying RC for 30 years. I have been flying FPV for about 5 years. My main quad is Inspire. About 2 weeks ago I purchased the Mavic Pro Platinum. The portability looked amazing! I had about 20 flights in with it. Yesterday while flying I got multiple strong interference warnings while returning to home. Then my controller disconnected. I have not seen my Mavic since. I used find my drone to find the last transmitted coordinates. My wife and I have spent several hours walking through swamps and cow poop to no avail. After reflecting on the situation and thinking about what I should have done differently, I am stuck with a question that is making tracking down the Mavic very difficult. Toward the end of the flight I received multiple high interference warnings and my controller disconnected. I was descending while this happened. Part of me thinks the Mavic still continued to descend but I was not getting updated telemetry. This would have made me believe I was at a higher elevation than I actually was. I am thinking the Mavic might have descended into a group of trees and crashed. On the other hand I am thinking when the controller disconnected the Mavic kept flying but because of the interference never sent updated coordinates or any other telemetry. Then I am guessing the battery got low and it auto landed.

Despite the high interference, Mavic seemed to be flying the correct course to get back to the home point. Therefore if the interference affected the compass or gps then it happened after it disconnected form the controller.

I have searched around the last transmitted coordinates and walked a lot of the projected flight path. I am thinking about possibly flying Inspire over the last transmitted coordinates and seeing if I can get a different perspective of the area.

I know some of you guys are really **** good at reading and interpreting flight log information and could possibly help me narrow my search hopefully recovering the Mavic.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Were you flying close to any high tension wires? It's weird that you just lost connection. Was the controller fully charged?
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