...was under the impression there were supposed to be sensors all around the drone to warn, stop and hover if things got too tight
...there are no physical damages to the drone nor propellers.
... "The log indicates that both Obstacle Avoidance & Obstacle Avoidance RTH was inactive ... sure you had them activated? "
Not sure about "Poor judgment". DJI sell hard on this feature. You should be able to trust in it somewhat. If drone crashed into a steel obstacle surely propellers would have shattered all over the place. Instead, drone recovered and flew home. Not a mark on drone or propellers.
Yeah ... I wrote "indicate" about the logs saying that OA was inactive as I didn't quite relied on that ... but you screen shoot from GO4 says they are on so
But ... if you are flying under the impression that the DJI Vision system always will correct your flight path how ever wrong you command it & just let you "bounce" away from all existing obstacles ... then I too, with no offence, can call that poor judgement & a victim of marketing.
Everything points to that you
side crashed into something "thinner" like that scaffold seen in the crash moment further below, it just snagged your M2 luckily, turned it around without smashing the props or scuff the drone body.
So if you read off the user manual ... (read more about the total vision system from page 20 in the manual).
Here you have Google Earth view of what's seen in you vid during the crash ... same blue cabinet shown in both pictures, & a scaffold. You probably went side ways in under the concrete foundation, just missing the outer corner, & the M2 got hooked by what you see in the lower pic (which I have turned around 180 degrees from your vid.)
The M2 crash started first with a roll, reaching 150 degrees to the right (nearly up side down), nearly at the same time it pitch 10 degrees down, 25 up followed by a longer 65 degrees down. The M2's Yaw changed then just micro seconds later rapidly by 124 degrees CCW ... all this indicates that it got caught rather then flatsided into something (front leg landing foot perhaps).
However, it does say that no special permit is needed for drones weighing up to 7 kg. I think the
Mavic 2 weighs 0.9 kg. And I wasn't flying much above 6 m when I had the accident...
Then again ... you apparently disobeyed at least 2 drone regulations during this flight, you didn't fly within visual line of sight & you reached above 84m in an max 50m AGL zone.