SORRY BUT You are one of the MAJOR reasons the FAA is implementing the RID rules in Sept. So go to the mirror and start pointing and yellingI've already been doing that for the past few years by going out to 4 and 5 mile range
I must ask: Do you reside in the U.S. ?
If that answer is yes might I remind you that there are members here that work closely with the F.A.A. These members that work closely with the Gov. sign agreements that pretty much makes it mandatory to report your admission of Flying beyond line of site to the FAA -( sort of like a police officer when they observe a crime or a mandatory reporter in child welfare.) So I would be careful about admitting a crime on an Internet Forum.
The Government is not gearing up to bust down the doors of the non-compliant come Sept.
BUT - If you are going to continue to fly your Drone in the manner you describe, You just might wanna keep an eye out for a letter from the F.A.A.
R.I.D will be used to prosecute the repeat offender NOT to spy on anyone with a drone. There are not enough Government employees to do anything near that.
Lastly take a breath - Go to google and search for RID module.- DON'T PANIC