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Apr 7, 2022
I love Mavics. So small and with the Mavic 2 we have something same quality as an inspire with more stability. I had all of them. I just got the 3 Cine and now have retired it from any paid jobs for several reasons. The main one, as you might guess is inability to operate safely in DLog. They took away LUT assist. Operating in daylight with a screen displaying in LOG is virtually useless. We need to focus and expose and see safely and all of those are unsuitable in DLog. No professional will be monitoring a log colorspace. How absurd to even try. They also took away sharpening settings. I have noticed baked in NR on higher iso’s and over sharpening on lower ones. I also cannot operate the same with high speed motors as they took slow mode (tripod mode) away as well. The speeds are too fast for slow low creeps and sweeps and flying in heavy foliage. I tried modifying joysticks but honestly $5000 is embarrassing for what they put on the market. As a professional DP I just want to recommend toothers that the Mavic 2 is a much much better drone and will get you better more confident footage. The image is maybe 5% better on the 3 cine, in certain types of situations. Prores is pointless as the h265 grades and exposes and renders motion exactly the same. Ultra ultra low light is the only advantage withprores but in the noise you have all that muddy NR going on anyway so why bother. DJI is more focused on serving the chinese govt than DP pilots. 30 seconds and every pilot is like…”wheres the lut assist, wheres tripod mode in the switch…”. Newer is not better.
I love Mavics. So small and with the Mavic 2 we have something same quality as an inspire with more stability. I had all of them. I just got the 3 Cine and now have retired it from any paid jobs for several reasons. The main one, as you might guess is inability to operate safely in DLog. They took away LUT assist. Operating in daylight with a screen displaying in LOG is virtually useless. We need to focus and expose and see safely and all of those are unsuitable in DLog. No professional will be monitoring a log colorspace. How absurd to even try. They also took away sharpening settings. I have noticed baked in NR on higher iso’s and over sharpening on lower ones. I also cannot operate the same with high speed motors as they took slow mode (tripod mode) away as well. The speeds are too fast for slow low creeps and sweeps and flying in heavy foliage. I tried modifying joysticks but honestly $5000 is embarrassing for what they put on the market. As a professional DP I just want to recommend toothers that the Mavic 2 is a much much better drone and will get you better more confident footage. The image is maybe 5% better on the 3 cine, in certain types of situations. Prores is pointless as the h265 grades and exposes and renders motion exactly the same. Ultra ultra low light is the only advantage withprores but in the noise you have all that muddy NR going on anyway so why bother. DJI is more focused on serving the chinese govt than DP pilots. 30 seconds and every pilot is like…”wheres the lut assist, wheres tripod mode in the switch…”. Newer is not better.
That’s a good perspective thanks.
I love Mavics. So small and with the Mavic 2 we have something same quality as an inspire with more stability. I had all of them. I just got the 3 Cine and now have retired it from any paid jobs for several reasons. The main one, as you might guess is inability to operate safely in DLog. They took away LUT assist. Operating in daylight with a screen displaying in LOG is virtually useless. We need to focus and expose and see safely and all of those are unsuitable in DLog. No professional will be monitoring a log colorspace. How absurd to even try. They also took away sharpening settings. I have noticed baked in NR on higher iso’s and over sharpening on lower ones. I also cannot operate the same with high speed motors as they took slow mode (tripod mode) away as well. The speeds are too fast for slow low creeps and sweeps and flying in heavy foliage. I tried modifying joysticks but honestly $5000 is embarrassing for what they put on the market. As a professional DP I just want to recommend toothers that the Mavic 2 is a much much better drone and will get you better more confident footage. The image is maybe 5% better on the 3 cine, in certain types of situations. Prores is pointless as the h265 grades and exposes and renders motion exactly the same. Ultra ultra low light is the only advantage withprores but in the noise you have all that muddy NR going on anyway so why bother. DJI is more focused on serving the chinese govt than DP pilots. 30 seconds and every pilot is like…”wheres the lut assist, wheres tripod mode in the switch…”. Newer is not better.

Not defending the Mavic 3.... its got a long ways to go but DJI has added back the LOG color assist in recent updates unless you are talking about something different. Tripod mode is on the list of features to be added in the next few months.

What I miss is the lack of true fine control with the sticks and the sharpening controls you mentioned.
I love Mavics. So small and with the Mavic 2 we have something same quality as an inspire with more stability. I had all of them. I just got the 3 Cine and now have retired it from any paid jobs for several reasons. The main one, as you might guess is inability to operate safely in DLog. They took away LUT assist. Operating in daylight with a screen displaying in LOG is virtually useless. We need to focus and expose and see safely and all of those are unsuitable in DLog. No professional will be monitoring a log colorspace. How absurd to even try. They also took away sharpening settings. I have noticed baked in NR on higher iso’s and over sharpening on lower ones. I also cannot operate the same with high speed motors as they took slow mode (tripod mode) away as well. The speeds are too fast for slow low creeps and sweeps and flying in heavy foliage. I tried modifying joysticks but honestly $5000 is embarrassing for what they put on the market. As a professional DP I just want to recommend toothers that the Mavic 2 is a much much better drone and will get you better more confident footage. The image is maybe 5% better on the 3 cine, in certain types of situations. Prores is pointless as the h265 grades and exposes and renders motion exactly the same. Ultra ultra low light is the only advantage withprores but in the noise you have all that muddy NR going on anyway so why bother. DJI is more focused on serving the chinese govt than DP pilots. 30 seconds and every pilot is like…”wheres the lut assist, wheres tripod mode in the switch…”. Newer is not better.
M3 and M3 Cine will get obviously better with time. To be fair, DJI has had almost 4 years to get the Mavic 2 right! Mavic 3 is still only 6 months old, going through the usual early adopter growing pains, that are typical of most new DJI releases of a major change in cameras. The early adopters are voluntary beta testers. Patience grasshopper.
I love Mavics. So small and with the Mavic 2 we have something same quality as an inspire with more stability. I had all of them. I just got the 3 Cine and now have retired it from any paid jobs for several reasons. The main one, as you might guess is inability to operate safely in DLog. They took away LUT assist. Operating in daylight with a screen displaying in LOG is virtually useless. We need to focus and expose and see safely and all of those are unsuitable in DLog. No professional will be monitoring a log colorspace. How absurd to even try. They also took away sharpening settings. I have noticed baked in NR on higher iso’s and over sharpening on lower ones. I also cannot operate the same with high speed motors as they took slow mode (tripod mode) away as well. The speeds are too fast for slow low creeps and sweeps and flying in heavy foliage. I tried modifying joysticks but honestly $5000 is embarrassing for what they put on the market. As a professional DP I just want to recommend toothers that the Mavic 2 is a much much better drone and will get you better more confident footage. The image is maybe 5% better on the 3 cine, in certain types of situations. Prores is pointless as the h265 grades and exposes and renders motion exactly the same. Ultra ultra low light is the only advantage withprores but in the noise you have all that muddy NR going on anyway so why bother. DJI is more focused on serving the chinese govt than DP pilots. 30 seconds and every pilot is like…”wheres the lut assist, wheres tripod mode in the switch…”. Newer is not better.
As sad and disappointing at this is to say, well said.

I sold my M2P because I was beyond excited to be getting hold of a next gen Mavic 3 with 3 years worth of R&D advancements and innovation and what we were given is so far from the mark that the disappointment for me is surreal.

What I wouldn't do for my old M2P lol.

Lets see how this all pans out but for me and a lot of other people this has been a very very poor showing from the worlds greatest drone manufacturer.
As sad and disappointing at this is to say, well said.

I sold my M2P because I was beyond excited to be getting hold of a next gen Mavic 3 with 3 years worth of R&D advancements and innovation and what we were given is so far from the mark that the disappointment for me is surreal.

What I wouldn't do for my old M2P lol.

Lets see how this all pans out but for me and a lot of other people this has been a very very poor showing from the worlds greatest drone manufacturer.
It's never a good idea to abandon the old ship until you know the new one is sea worthy! Anyone who has been flying DJI aircraft commercially for any period of time is well aware that newly release products should never be exclusively depended upon. You need back ups! Buy another M2P to tide yourself over! Plenty available!
It's never a good idea to abandon the old ship until you know the new one is sea worthy! Anyone who has been flying DJI aircraft commercially for any period of time is well aware that newly release products should never be exclusively depended upon. You need back ups! Buy another M2P to tide yourself over! Plenty available!
You are so right!

I did look here in the UK for a new boxed M2P but none were available from legit retailers. Have DJI started producing and selling them again?

Edit: Just looked and still not available on the DJI store
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You are so right!

I did look here in the UK for a new boxed M2P but none were available from legit retailers. Have DJI started producing and selling them again?

Edit: Just looked and still not available on the DJI store
You'll need to find a lightly used one that is being resold by someone who is now happy with their M3 and doesn't need two M2P's as a backup. Check the classifieds here or post a Want ad. You can check the seller's reputation in their posts on the forum.
Not defending the Mavic 3.... its got a long ways to go but DJI has added back the LOG color assist in recent updates unless you are talking about something different. Tripod mode is on the list of features to be added in the next few months.

M3 and M3 Cine will get obviously better with time. To be fair, DJI has had almost 4 years to get the Mavic 2 right! Mavic 3 is still only 6 months old, going through the usual early adopter growing pains, that are typical of most new DJI releases of a major change in cameras. The early adopters are voluntary beta testers. Patience grasshopper.

They need to start releasing finished products. This "early adopters are voluntary beta testers" stiff is, in a word, (Mod Removed Language)I'm done doing it, and I'm not alone (as attested by the OP in this thread).

What I miss is the lack of true fine control with the sticks and the sharpening controls you mentioned.

Yeah, that actually started with the M2P, which didn't have quite the same fine control adjustments that the P3P had. This is something that never came with the M2P, so I wouldn't hold your breath anticipating the M3 getting it.

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I love Mavics. So small and with the Mavic 2 we have something same quality as an inspire with more stability. I had all of them. I just got the 3 Cine and now have retired it from any paid jobs for several reasons. The main one, as you might guess is inability to operate safely in DLog. They took away LUT assist. Operating in daylight with a screen displaying in LOG is virtually useless. We need to focus and expose and see safely and all of those are unsuitable in DLog. No professional will be monitoring a log colorspace. How absurd to even try. They also took away sharpening settings. I have noticed baked in NR on higher iso’s and over sharpening on lower ones. I also cannot operate the same with high speed motors as they took slow mode (tripod mode) away as well. The speeds are too fast for slow low creeps and sweeps and flying in heavy foliage. I tried modifying joysticks but honestly $5000 is embarrassing for what they put on the market. As a professional DP I just want to recommend toothers that the Mavic 2 is a much much better drone and will get you better more confident footage. The image is maybe 5% better on the 3 cine, in certain types of situations. Prores is pointless as the h265 grades and exposes and renders motion exactly the same. Ultra ultra low light is the only advantage withprores but in the noise you have all that muddy NR going on anyway so why bother. DJI is more focused on serving the chinese govt than DP pilots. 30 seconds and every pilot is like…”wheres the lut assist, wheres tripod mode in the switch…”. Newer is not better.
You have made feel even better for hanging on to my M2P and holding off on the M3. I’ll wait.
Or, I can sell my M2P for “one million dollars.”83DDF6B2-7D51-4A89-9C09-B405F25AB6CF.jpeg
They need to start releasing finished products. This "early adopters are voluntary beta testers" stiff is, in a word, (Mod Removed Language)I'm done doing it, and I'm not alone (as attested by the OP in this thread).

Yeah, that actually started with the M2P, which didn't have quite the same fine control adjustments that the P3P had. This is something that never came with the M2P, so I wouldn't hold your breath anticipating the M3 getting it.

You can't expect a leopard to change his spots. DJI has been consistent with this method of product releases throughout. Surely, you must have known their history. Can't blame it on them, if you created unrealistic expectations for the M3 at release, assuming it was a finished product. In fact, DJI explicitly said it was unfinished!
You can't expect a leopard to change his spots. DJI has been consistent with this method of product releases throughout. Surely, you must have known their history. Can't blame it on them, if you created unrealistic expectations for the M3 at release, assuming it was a finished product. In fact, DJI explicitly said it was unfinished!

Them having a history of releasing unfinished product does not make it right or absolve them of the problems of releasing unfinished product.

It seems to be getting worse. It would be nice if it got better instead, but that will never happen as long as they see the kind of acceptance and complacency demonstrated in the above.
  • The OP of this thread is already retiring his brand new M3.
  • I have decided to not even buy it and have spent my money on something else.
It's not much of a trend, but it gets bigger, they might notice. Probably not, but I will continue to be unhappy with their business model.

By the way, this is in NO WAY an "unrealistic expectation". I have bought A LOT of consumer products in my years and none of them have had this bad of incompletely-functionality business model.


PS: It's too bad Autel is sitting on their hands--they have an excellent opportunity to grab market share here with better "feature complete" releases.
M3 and M3 Cine will get obviously better with time. To be fair, DJI has had almost 4 years to get the Mavic 2 right! Mavic 3 is still only 6 months old, going through the usual early adopter growing pains, that are typical of most new DJI releases of a major change in cameras. The early adopters are voluntary beta testers. Patience grasshopper.
It did not take 4 years to get the Mavic 2 Pro right. The UAV was announced in August 2018 and one year ago, v01.00.0770 was distributed dealing with a battery charge issue only.

Looking at the FW change log the M2P was mature with FW v01.00.0300 and Go4 v4.3.12 about 4 months after its announcement.
It did not take 4 years to get the Mavic 2 Pro right. The UAV was announced in August 2018 and one year ago, v01.00.0770 was distributed dealing with a battery charge issue only.

Looking at the FW change log the M2P was mature with FW v01.00.0300 and Go4 v4.3.12 about 4 months after its announcement.
I never said it took 4 years, but comparing a mature 4 year old product to a recently released one, with DJI's track history, is unrealistic. The M3 issues will be sorted out in due time. Demanding they be fixed yesterday, when the first 6 months is always us merely beta testing the drone, and their attempts to squash bugs, is silly. For a completely happy DJI experience, never buy any DJI drone until a year after release. If you insist upon buying everything upon release, expect a rocky road with some cuts and bruise along the way. Somebody has to beta test the stuff for those that only want the happy DJI experience! 🤣
Them having a history of releasing unfinished product does not make it right or absolve them of the problems of releasing unfinished product.

It seems to be getting worse. It would be nice if it got better instead, but that will never happen as long as they see the kind of acceptance and complacency demonstrated in the above.
  • The OP of this thread is already retiring his brand new M3.
  • I have decided to not even buy it and have spent my money on something else.
It's not much of a trend, but it gets bigger, they might notice. Probably not, but I will continue to be unhappy with their business model.

By the way, this is in NO WAY an "unrealistic expectation". I have bought A LOT of consumer products in my years and none of them have had this bad of incompletely-functionality business model.


PS: It's too bad Autel is sitting on their hands--they have an excellent opportunity to grab market share here with better "feature complete" releases.
If you think you or anyone else can change how DJI's Chinese culture operates, you are sadly mistaken. They do as they please. Your expectations of DJI are unrealistic. You aren't their customer. Try Autel Robotics for an even more frustrating customer experience! They have some 10 engineers compared to the 8,000 engineers at DJI, according the Autel Robotics' former CEO, Randall, before he realized he was just a placeholder for the son of the owner who was still being groomed for the role, and is now in charge at Autel Robotics! Autel Robotics has 5% of the world wide drone market, while DJI has over 75%! DJI still makes the best drones, and now that they own a majority interest in Hasselblad, their cameras and imaging are far superior to anything any competitor can match. Autel Robotics just copies DJI, and does a lousy job of it. For entertainment, go check out all the unhappy Autel Robotics owners over at
I kept my MP2 for that reason....because I knew all of the updates was not on the M3 cine yet.

so I own two drones for now.
I honestly dont know what the hell Dji is doing. They come out with a 5000 drone with 50 percent of the functions not working, gps delay issues and just general bad workmanship. And then we enthusiast are stupid enough to scrape up our last pennies and buy it. This is not good for us. Dji is significantly gauging us with inferior quality.

Dont get me wrong, i am a dji fan but they need to come back to earth and take care of their consumers rhat think 5k is alot and expect alot of quality. Now they r supposedly coming out with mini 3 but at significant price increase.

I hope they get some good competition soon. ....and Autel is going down the same path
And I will continue to complain about it. Get over it.

In other words you will continue to be stressed out about it. Which in the long run not good for you health and well being over all. You have a decision to make here. The complaining is it really worth it? I bought the M3 knowing it wasn’t a finished product, DJI has released firmware to add features and make improvements, it’s certainly not complete yet, but the future updates to come looks promising. Also I haven’t seen one company yet to release a finished product. Apple, Samsung, LG, autel, Sony, the list goes on! They all release product and then work things out with software and firmware updates later. And it doesn’t look like this pattern or way of business is going to change anytime soon. So why complain and stressed yourself over it?

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