Yes you need to have the MA2 switched on and connected to the controller when you run the patch.I've tried the patch it said success but when i go into dji fly i can see the signal line is still CE not FCC
Does it work on latest firmware on MA2? that's what my drone is at but not sure what im doing wrong.
This is what i did:
1) Plugged in usb cable to the bottom of the controller and to the phone, then turned the controller on
2) ran the app and patched successfully
3) switched the cable from bottom of controller to top of controller
4) turned on the power on MA2
5) ran dji fly to check transmission
Is this any different from what you are doing?
Then when you see patched successful swap the cable over and start dji air without turning anything off.
Once the bird powers down and up again the patch is cleared and has to be re-applied before each flight (or it does in my case)
Also be aware that in the Android case the line itself doesn't move from 90db the only thing that moves is the 1km mark on the right. Adjacent to the line is CE, above the line is FCC