No - @Meta4 is not confused, you simply don't understand what he is saying, and why he is saying it. See below.Meta 4 Thanks for the reply - I took the liberty to quote a number of your replies below to confirm the data on this drone has you both confused and guessing with regard to the drones doomed flight. For this reason, I advised you that saved data is no more accurate than the processor itself which caused the crash . . .
In conclusion, you should always respect the thoughts of other pilots, expecially when your euvaluting data which seems to have you confused and uncertain.
Thanks - Mike
Meta 4 Comments:
That doesn't account for the altitude data being unbelievable
There's a motor error at 4:19 just a few seconds after the altitude data becomes unreliable.
A failed motor would be easily seen in the pitch, roll and yaw data if that was what happened, but the data doesn't support that.
There's a problem matching the drone's flight to your description of the incident.
But after that the altitude data doesn't make any sense.
I can only guess that there was a malfunction of the altitude sensor
Here's a problem - you can't write technical gibberish like that and maintain any kind of image of someone who understands flight control algorithms. And none of your posts on this forum, nor anything on your late 80s-style website, suggest that you do.You either experienced and motor/prop failure or just a good old glitch and lockup.
The data show a progression of problems, starting at t = 256 s, when either the z-axis accelerometer or its data feed to the IMU/FC failed. That's becoming a bit of a pattern on the Mini 2 - this is the third or fourth I've seen reported on this forum. It's very valuable to have the entire video to compare to the telemetry, but note that time zero on the video is at t = 104 s on the flight data, and the flight data end at t = 276.4, 5 s before the video ends, when the aircraft motors shut down (OSD_isMotorOn ➛ FALSE) and the aircraft begins the left roll into an inverted attitude.Can any Mini 2 Experts tell me what happened?
![DJIFlightRecord_2022-03-27_[16-51-32]_comp1.png DJIFlightRecord_2022-03-27_[16-51-32]_comp1.png](
There are several indicators that it is the z-axis accelerometer. Firstly, the response of the x, y and z velocity data: since the aircraft tilt is small the most significant effect is on the z-axis velocity (blue trace), which immediately goes unphysically positive (downwards) with an acceleration that peaks at just over 3g. But the negative pitch and roll at that time, on a southerly heading, also result in positive excursions in the x (red) and y (green) velocities at the same time.
Secondly the relationship between the IMU fusion solution for height (OSD_height) and the time integral of the z-axis velocity. Note that OSD_height (solid black trace) rapidly decreases, but the negative integral of the z-axis velocity (dashed black trace) decreases even faster. That indicates that the barometric sensor was working correctly and offsetting the incorrect inertial height calculation.
The FC attempts to correct the non-existent rapid descent, and the aircraft climbs. The data indicate continued descent even under full power, which is what triggers the "not enough force" errors. The data that have little or no dependence on the z-axis accelerometer continue to report accurately until t = 270.8 s, when the roll calculation fails, which suggests x-axis rate gyro failure, but could be too many conflicting data leading to IMU fusion failure. The OSD_yaw data also start to deviate from reality at that time. The gimbal yaw data remain steady to the end of the data, but off by around 30°. It's apparent that the compass was out of calibration for that flight, although not enough to lead to uncontrolled flight.
The steady flight then continues for around 6 seconds until the FC shuts down the motors, the logged data end, while the video continues for another 5 seconds showing the aircraft inverting and falling to the ground.
Bottom line - this is flight control failure, almost certainly IMU accelerometer failure on the z-axis, although it is impossible to rule out IMU fusion failure. Either way it's a clear warranty issue if the aircraft is less than 12 months old.