I get it. We should be very careful about jumping to conclusions based on photos and videos which may not meet desired quality standards.
If it's just a blurry light in the sky, there's no way to tell how far away it is, how big it is, or what it is. If you're convinced it's something other than a normal aircraft, provide just a few details. Details like, I was standing at this location here - X, the light was in the sky to the NorthWest, at this angle above the horizon, exact time, etc. Any factual details would help people figure out what you actually saw.
I just watched a video where some woman is recording a red light "hovering" high in the sky. You can see nothing but a fence and a red light in a black sky. So, take a shot from the same location and angle the next day in daylight, so we can at least exclude the possibility that it's just the marker light at the top of some tower. Why does every random light in a black sky automatically become labelled as a "drone"?
And more importantly, even if it
is a drone, why does that suddenly mean the North Koreans or Iranians are hiding nuclear bombs in downtown New York? Really? Get a grip folks.
But no sense to get angry or frustrated over it. This is not a court of law and others control access to the truth for now.
I'm neither angry or frustrated. I'm baffled, and amused. Why are people so gullible and so easily led to swallowing nonsensical conspiracy theories? Everyone has eyes and a brain. What's up with this nonsense, "
others control access to the truth"?
I run a dash-cam in my car. In daylight it records crisply detailed 4k video. Here's a short 1-minute sample documenting the flock of 20 aliens currently invading our neighbourhood.
[Ignore that SUV-sized drone appearing at 25-secs.]
At night, the dash-cam video quality isn't nearly as good.
If I'm following another vehicle at a distance on a long straight road, the video shows only two blurry red tail-lights "hovering" in the distance, not getting any closer or moving farther away. The lights appear to not be moving at all, just mysteriously "hovering" there in the distance ahead of me. Ergo, it can only be a "drone"! I can't tell for sure whether it's an Iranian drone, or North Korean drone, or even a whether it's one of them Military drones, but it can only be one of those mystery drones I've been hearing so much about.
Every now and then an extremely bright white light appears in the far distance right on the horizon. It's not moving either, just slowly getting larger. That's gotta be another "drone"! Suddenly it goes flashing right past me, narrowly missing my car!
Here's a screengrab from my dash-cam video captured just last night. This is definitely the "
clearest image yet captured of one of these mystery UFO drones"!
Some of you might jump to the obvious conclusion that this is just a normal car, but that just means you're naive in trusting whatever the mainstream media wants you to believe. Unless the Government
proves to me this thing isn't up to some nefarious purpose, I'm convinced it's actually a spy drone. People all across New Jersey have seen similar things and therefor we know that this is actually a hovering
SUV-sized drone firing laser beams. This photo should be proof enough.