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I am thinking about getting trackR for my Mavic Pro

Checkout - TrackR bravo

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This is only good if you are part of the TrackR GPS network or 30 meters or less away from the drone. I use a similar device (Tile) to track my keys and things close, but outside of 30 meters, you only get last know position within 30 meters.
did you go to mavic helps location he circled I'm curious i do believe he may have got the location nailed and peek on roofs
did you go to mavic helps location he circled I'm curious i do believe he may have got the location nailed and peek on roofs

I did go and look but its hard to access and i didnt have any luck in the areas that i was able to access.
(Sorry my english, as you may see it's not my native language)

I'm new to this community, but after 52 years, I lived enough to be part of others with similar issues of safety, so (both sides) try to read my comment with some candor.

I understand this discussion is off topic and will not help the OP to find his drone (deeply sorry for your loss), but it's certainly important to many other users.

I really think - unfortunately- that all this "safety" advices are completely useless.

People will fly their drones how it pleases them.

It happened before with all inventions.
And it will happen again when someone introduce time machines.
Millions of people die every day because of misusing devices.
And all those accidents, sadly, are the most effective way to help improve the device safety in next versions of software or hardware.

Cars, planes, jetskis are safer today much more because those accidents and the industry response to them than because of other drivers/pilots demanding and alerting people to drive safely.

There will always be all kinds of recklessness.
It's simply human to try to expand the envelope of possibilities.
I, myself, live in a very populated area and will not stop flying here (taking all precautions I find reasonable) for nothing.

Drones are here to stay.
They are already popular enough.
I really don't think we need people to "protect" our hobby anymore.
This "protect the hobby" argument sounds to me as a sophismatic way to patronize.

I'm not saying we should not discuss safety.
Far from it.
I'm just saying we should focus on the OP's topic and avoid imposing judgment.

It is much more helpful to let every pilot report their own experience and errors so we can demand DJI to address this behavior, since they will surely be reoccurring with others users.

I thank to all "drone police" and "drone police police" for the advices but I guess it will be much more effective to create a specific topic about safety where all pilots could discuss the issue without being underestimated by those who consider themselves more experienced.

That's my two cents.

Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots
Hello Neto. You are correct, it is off topic but since it is such an important subject, I will respond.

It is not so much imposing "judgement", it is educating a person. Adding more nanny software to these won't stop people that don't know the rules, education does. All the nanny devices in the world won't help... especially when some purposely hack the software to circumvent the safety built in. We encourage those who have issues to share them with us but I also expect them to gain some real knowledge from their experience. We should not stand by and say nothing and watch as people do things they have no business doing, many times through ignorance of the rules. If your gonna play the game, you better know the rules, unfortunately, many times this is not the case. If you neighbor who never drove a day in his life got a new Corvette and started to drive around your neighborhood with no license or insurance or automobile education at all, would you be okay with that? Would you want your kids out riding their bikes in the same neighborhood your neighbor was out learning on his own with no help to drive? There should be no issues right, I mean with all the safety built into todays modern automobiles is should be fine... right??? You and I both know that would be a problem for everyone who lived in that neighborhood. Your state saw the problem long ago so they imposed rules of the road and required a registration and a test to get a license showing you know how to operate an automobile. Now because of driver education we are all better off and people are not randomly out trying to learn with no help. Makes sense doesn't it? We didn't sit around watching people plow into others property saying, "don't say anything to them, they will get it eventually".

You say you don't see the need to protect our hobby? That is completely incorrect. If it wasn't for the AMA in the USA we would be flying inside or restricted to flying fields to be legal. Many states & municipalities are passing new regulation daily to stop the hobby from taking place in their jurisdiction, some even making regulations that apply to the NAS which they cannot do, but they are anyways. So you can stick your head in the sand and ignore it, but it is happening, and educated operators are the only way to save the hobby before it is regulated out of existence.

I have been involved in building (including quads before they were "cool") & using RC vehicles for over 40 years. I have the respect that comes from learning the hobby from the ground up (literally :) ). I knew what made them tick and I put my talents into building it so my creations had a piece of me in it so in turn, I respected it more. Today, the guy with enough money to pony up for a quad that "fly's itself" can do just that... no wonder we are in such a mess today. Anyone with more money than brains can pop one out of the box and take off into the wild blue yonder with no rules, no education and no fear because just as you want more of, "it's packed with fail-safes" right? So what could go wrong? Well as we have seen, lots can go wrong and more will happen until we educate people. You can add all the fail-safes and rules you want, they will never rule over the uneducated consumer or the ones who does what he or she pleases.

So this all comes back to education (I am not a fan of adding laws or regulations for fun, only if they are really necessary). There should really be a training course that should be mandatory for anyone operating a quad of a certain class. I'm not talking about little toys you get at the corner gas station, I'm talking about prosumer camera drones with range. No new user to the world of RC aircrafts should be able to fly up to 8 miles away with no education of any kind. It should be regulated like anything is where consumers abuse them, just like ATV's, snowmobiles, automobiles, guns, etc. For example, in New York, before you can hunt you must take a hunter safety course. It is a nominal fee and several hours long. It educates new hunters to the rules and how to be safe. That is not too much to ask of operators of this type of aircraft.

So if you have a problem you can feel confident sharing it here. You may get some knowledge dropped on you, but that is a good thing. Anyone belittling a member for their actions will be reprimanded by the staff, be sure and report it if you see this happening.

So be safe out there, always be a good steward to the hobby, and of course have fun!

So with that, lets all please stay on topic and if you would like to continue the conversation please PM me or lets start a proper thread in general discussion. Thank you. ;)
Here is the problem. And I am by no means an expert, but I have taken my time in learning how to fly these things all across the board. People get the mavic and expect it to be some sort of toy, they disregard the manual, disregard learning how to fly in ATTI, disregard how to control the bird manually and expect it to fly flawlessly. As a part 107 holder, I find it strange the FAA doesn't require you to show them that you can actually fly these things. I started last June with a nano, then a very fast racer flying VLOS, then I taught myself ACRO mode, and the mavic is now a breeze. This shouldn't be anybody's first quad. People are going to mess this up for those of us that take this seriously. I feel bad for the guy but if he was VLOS and ATTI mode popped up, he should be able to take control of the bird. And giving him the benefit of the doubt, it could have been hardware or firmware but it also could have been simply not knowing how to fly it.

Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots
Thank you.

I've tried looking for it at some of the suggested points too but my question is, wouldn't the gps have reconnected at some point if it had tried to fly home?

Also, looking at my logs, can anyone tell me (without a lecture on how I should be flying it) if the dji people who take a look at the logs will say it was my fault or if there's a chance that they look at it and say the drone malfunctioned in some way and maybe send me a new one? I know you can't know for sure but beyond my heinous besmirching of your good hobby (this is adressed to the less helpful among you so the rest of you kind and helpful individuals, please don't be offended) are they likely to assume some responsibility?

Thanks again guys!

Did you have insurance on it? I purchased a policy thru State Farm and will get full replacement value for any mishap and it was only $75/year. I wont have to worry whether or not they think it was my fault. I sincerely hope you can get your drone back or a replacement from DJI. Maybe insurance is the way to go in the future.
I believe Trackimo is the best celluar 3g gps tracker to buy, its only 5$ a year , 100$ for the device but it gives real time gps coordinates and has great website interface etc. all the others in its class were like 50$ up front and 5-20$+ a month so its the cheapest & i here its very accurate/fast by comparison.. its the one i just ordered based on lots of reviews .. check it out.

Is it possible that he encountered interference from a geo magnetic storm like they talk about in dji helper? Did u check the kp index for the time of the flight yet?

If they replaced it, did they give an explanation as to what malfunction occurred?

Also, is it now deactivated/unable to be used like a stolen cell phone now that dji knows its lost

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Cars, planes, jetskis are safer today much more because those accidents and the industry response to them than because of other drivers/pilots demanding and alerting people to drive safely.

Cars, planes, jet-skis are safer today because industry failed to seriously consider safety improvements until there was a pile of dead bodies, and relatives knocking down the doors to their representatives, and representatives finally deciding that regulation was better than "free market," and non-compliant devices were banned from the marketplace.

We are trying to avoid that path of evolution, thank you very much.
Cars, planes, jet-skis are safer today because industry failed to seriously consider safety improvements until there was a pile of dead bodies, and relatives knocking down the doors to their representatives, and representatives finally deciding that regulation was better than "free market," and non-compliant devices were banned from the marketplace.

We are trying to avoid that path of evolution, thank you very much.

You clearly didn't understand my point.
I was talking about the efficiency of this approach to discuss safety, not the safety itself.
If you still think that you will be able to improve safety by using off-topic comments, go ahead.
You're welcome.

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You're 100 percent right, I was just teasing. I've said it a lot, people who come here to dump on you when you're having a problem should know better. I was really distressed when I lost my mavic and i came here hoping to find out what my chances were of finding it/getting a new one or some other reassurance. I got a lot of that but along with it I got a bunch of people telling me I don't know how to fly etc etc. that's not what people in my position are looking for. As it happens, dji has replaced my mavic free of charge and I couldn't be happier!

Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots

Glad to hear that!!! Don't be put off by people talking trash, most people do help instead of trying to be captain hindsight lol, no on needs to hear that when something has happened. I'm really happy things turned out good, happy flying and take care!

Sent from my iPad using MavicPilots
I believe Trackimo is the best celluar 3g gps tracker to buy, its only 5$ a year , 100$ for the device but it gives real time gps coordinates and has great website interface etc. all the others in its class were like 50$ up front and 5-20$+ a month so its the cheapest & i here its very accurate/fast by comparison.. its the one i just ordered based on lots of reviews .. check it out.

Is it possible that he encountered interference from a geo magnetic storm like they talk about in dji helper? Did u check the kp index for the time of the flight yet?

If they replaced it, did they give an explanation as to what malfunction occurred?

Also, is it now deactivated/unable to be used like a stolen cell phone now that dji knows its lost

Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots

This is the best solution I have found so far as well, but after your first free year of service it is $5 per month, not $5 per year, just to clarify. :-)
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... If things progress like they have you can expect many more restrictions from towns & cities and more regulation from the FAA.. .

Do you really think increased restrictions and more regulations can be prevented by ANYTHING we do or say? Here, or anywhere? The reality is those increased restrictions and rules will happen DESPITE any of our best efforts. They will happen because of the POTENTIAL for damage, injury, and the perceived loss of privacy.

Case in point... Show me just one case where hobby multirotor (or any model aircraft) has created real damage or injury that justifies the existing regs, rules, and restrictions. Sure, there might, could, possibly, eventually, blah blah blah... But right now all of the restrictions are based on the potential. My point is, even if every drone operator in the world has a perfect flight, cities, town, states, government in general will STILL clamp down on us because the masses have been convinced the hobby is dangerous and creepy... Not by actual events, but by government itself and their ever-complicit mouthpiece... The Media.

To preach safety and compliance for the hope that we won't get additional regs or bans is being naive at best, and delusional at worst. Government will do what they want. And despite the lack of any substantive damage, injury, or other victims to date, the fact that new regs and restrictions keep popping up everywhere only proves it.
(Sorry my english, as you may see it's not my native language)

I'm new to this community, but after 52 years, I lived enough to be part of others with similar issues of safety, so (both sides) try to read my comment with some candor.

I understand this discussion is off topic and will not help the OP to find his drone (deeply sorry for your loss), but it's certainly important to many other users.

I really think - unfortunately- that all this "safety" advices are completely useless.

People will fly their drones how it pleases them.

It happened before with all inventions.
And it will happen again when someone introduce time machines.
Millions of people die every day because of misusing devices.
And all those accidents, sadly, are the most effective way to help improve the device safety in next versions of software or hardware.

Cars, planes, jetskis are safer today much more because those accidents and the industry response to them than because of other drivers/pilots demanding and alerting people to drive safely.

There will always be all kinds of recklessness.
It's simply human to try to expand the envelope of possibilities.
I, myself, live in a very populated area and will not stop flying here (taking all precautions I find reasonable) for nothing.

Drones are here to stay.
They are already popular enough.
I really don't think we need people to "protect" our hobby anymore.
This "protect the hobby" argument sounds to me as a sophismatic way to patronize.

I'm not saying we should not discuss safety.
Far from it.
I'm just saying we should focus on the OP's topic and avoid imposing judgment.

It is much more helpful to let every pilot report their own experience and errors so we can demand DJI to address this behavior, since they will surely be reoccurring with others users.

I thank to all "drone police" and "drone police police" for the advices but I guess it will be much more effective to create a specific topic about safety where all pilots could discuss the issue without being underestimated by those who consider themselves more experienced.

That's my two cents.

Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots
I respectfully disagree with your comment.

The TL;DR from you is: The rules are there to break them with precautions. WTF.

Every time I see any drone flying and breaking the rules I report it. Period.
I was driving this morning and noticed that more than 90% of the people were driving 10 KPH faster than the maximum driving speed, not because everyone is doing it with "Precaution" means its ok to do it.
Rules exist for a reason, we need to respect them and respect each other anyway.
Do you really think increased restrictions and more regulations can be prevented by ANYTHING we do or say? Here, or anywhere? The reality is those increased restrictions and rules will happen DESPITE any of our best efforts. They will happen because of the POTENTIAL for damage, injury, and the perceived loss of privacy.

Case in point... Show me just one case where hobby multirotor (or any model aircraft) has created real damage or injury that justifies the existing regs, rules, and restrictions. Sure, there might, could, possibly, eventually, blah blah blah... But right now all of the restrictions are based on the potential. My point is, even if every drone operator in the world has a perfect flight, cities, town, states, government in general will STILL clamp down on us because the masses have been convinced the hobby is dangerous and creepy... Not by actual events, but by government itself and their ever-complicit mouthpiece... The Media.

To preach safety and compliance for the hope that we won't get additional regs or bans is being naive at best, and delusional at worst. Government will do what they want. And despite the lack of any substantive damage, injury, or other victims to date, the fact that new regs and restrictions keep popping up everywhere only proves it.

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Are you trying to discredit your argument or are you being sarcastic? That video is 100% fake - as the creator openly admits. There's even a video of him showing how he made it. And this plays exactly into the kind of irrational hysteria and unwarranted fear that is perpetuated by statists like yourself.

It used to be patriotic to "question authority". Somehow within just a few snowflake generations, the new patriotism is to "question anyone who questions authority".
Did you have insurance on it? I purchased a policy thru State Farm and will get full replacement value for any mishap and it was only $75/year. I wont have to worry whether or not they think it was my fault. I sincerely hope you can get your drone back or a replacement from DJI. Maybe insurance is the way to go in the future.

Sent from my SM-G930V using MavicPilots mobile app
I respectfully disagree with your comment.

The TL;DR from you is: The rules are there to break them with precautions. WTF.

Every time I see any drone flying and breaking the rules I report it. Period.
I was driving this morning and noticed that more than 90% of the people were driving 10 KPH faster than the maximum driving speed, not because everyone is doing it with "Precaution" means its ok to do it.
Rules exist for a reason, we need to respect them and respect each other anyway.

I never said it's ok to break the rules.

I said people will do it despite all information we provide.

I never said we should ignore they are breaking the rules.

I said we should discuss it in one specific topic, instead of fragmenting the discussion with off-topic posts like this one. Not only to make sure people fell comfortable to keep posting when they break the rules (instead of hiding what really is going on), and also to help all newcomers understand how important the safety is (with a specific topic always being updated)

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