It’s not to bad with these MP’s as you have the signal strength meters
and you can tell how to adjust. With the Mini you don’t. Is harder to
adjust. Is one of the reasons I dislike the fly app.
Not that I am defending Fly (far from it, if you read my other thread), but not sure what you mean when you say "with the Mini you don't" (and by extension the Air 2 I assume) ... it does show you signal strength (# of satellites) and even (on the Air 2) the forward backward sensors.
Not that you can see them clearly, or at all sometimes, because of the poor UI design. I love how on DJI's complete user guide for the mini it says: " Check important flight status parameters such as the GPS ... <snip> .. .via easy-to-read status indicators and icons. " And the picture they show right below it, you can barely make stuff out. ? ?