force_fcc on/off - enable/disable force fcc (drone will ignore country code setting)
led on/off - turn on/off drone led
atti on/off - turn on/off atti mode
vps on/off - turn on/off all vison sensors
manu on/off - turn on/off manul mode (be carefull)
vled on/off - enable led on/off when record (set led on first)
gps on/off - enable/disable drone gps
CC US/CN/JP/RU/HK...... - set drone country code (can disable FCC mode)
droneid on/off - turn on/off droneid (need drone firmware support turn off droneid)
5.8 on/off - enable/disable force 5.8GHz ,disable 2.4G
flog off - delete all drone flight logs (the logs inside drone, logs will be deleted the next time the drone restarts)
landing on/off - enable/disable force landing ( M3 firmware verion <= 900 )
aled on/off - control the auxiliary led ,if you can not control it in djifly
photo 1/1.5/2/3...10 - enable the automatic photo taking function and set the time for time-lapse photography, 1 means 1 second,0 means disable
offline on/off - enable/disable offline mode ,djifly can not use network
wp filename.kmz - load DJI waypoints kmz file from sdcard then execute the mission , only tested on Mavic 3 ,and only support old KMZ version
mag on/off - remove compass error message