During my last flight, the gimbal reset / freak out (mavic pro 1)
I was really scared because I thought the drone had a problem and will crash.
By looking at the logs we can see the disconnection of the gimbal (Why ? maybe the sd card had a problem)
But also other problem like excessive vibration
I have check with CsvView but I have not see a problem
Could you help me to understand if all it's OK or there is a problem with my drone ?
During my last flight, the gimbal reset / freak out (mavic pro 1)
I was really scared because I thought the drone had a problem and will crash.
By looking at the logs we can see the disconnection of the gimbal (Why ? maybe the sd card had a problem)
330.139 : 18008 [L-GIMBAL]The 1st gimbal 0 disconnect
But also other problem like excessive vibration
316.343 : 17318 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. aircraft install warning!:aircraft vibration err(3)
33.438 : 3172 [L-FMU/MOTOR]failed to set motor force flag
I have check with CsvView but I have not see a problem
Could you help me to understand if all it's OK or there is a problem with my drone ?