There's a big gap between what you thought happened and what's recorded in the data.
It might help to replay the flight record to see what you were doing with the sticks and what was happening to the drone.
You can go through the flight record here:
Upload and view DJI Phantom, Mavic, and Spark flight logs online
You seem to have been unaware that the wind is stronger up higher.
And no idea about the first rule when in a strong headwind situation:
Get your drone down out of the strong winds up high.
At 77 feet, your drone could not hold position and was already slowly being pushed away.
But at 50 seconds you decided to send it higher and climbed to 400 ft where it was being set off by 4-9 mph in gusty winds.
There was no real attempt to bring the drone down.
The first time you used the left stick to come down was at 1:15.5 when it was already 400 ft up.
You held the stick down for 0.3 seconds.
It brought the drone down one foot.
The first real move to reduce height was at 3:45.2 (after you had climbed to 620 ft.
You held the left stick down for seven seconds and reduced height by 70 ft but immediately climbed again, taking the drone back up to 610 ft where it was being blown backwards at >20 mph.
And mysteriously you later sent the drone up to over 900 ft !!