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Transfer pix from Mavic aircraft using USB cable


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2017
Kenilworth, UK

I'm working through pre-flight setup on Mavic Pro -- so far, everything works well (I was able to connect mobile phone to RC, have the RC talk to the aircraft and take pictures, etc.). I have sucessfully individually updated both the RC and aircraft firmware to V01.03.0600 from PC (Windows 7 Pro 64-bit) over USB.

If I start DJI Assistant 2 [1.1.0_2], under Windows 7 or under Windows 10, Windows reports two new drives (D: and E:) and the E: drive shows data [FLY LOG etc.] if I select Data Upload. However D: always reports 'Please insert a disk...'. I'm guessing this should be showing the SD card contents.

I have removed the SD card and inspected it with an adapter and it has the expected DCIM folder and, within that, the test pictures I took.

The User manual (V1.6) says under 'Camera Data Port' (p40) that this should be possible. So what have I missed?

Any help would be much appreciated!


I'm working through pre-flight setup on Mavic Pro -- so far, everything works well (I was able to connect mobile phone to RC, have the RC talk to the aircraft and take pictures, etc.). I have sucessfully individually updated both the RC and aircraft firmware to V01.03.0600 from PC (Windows 7 Pro 64-bit) over USB.

If I start DJI Assistant 2 [1.1.0_2], under Windows 7 or under Windows 10, Windows reports two new drives (D: and E:) and the E: drive shows data [FLY LOG etc.] if I select Data Upload. However D: always reports 'Please insert a disk...'. I'm guessing this should be showing the SD card contents.

I have removed the SD card and inspected it with an adapter and it has the expected DCIM folder and, within that, the test pictures I took.

The User manual (V1.6) says under 'Camera Data Port' (p40) that this should be possible. So what have I missed?

Any help would be much appreciated!

I have never had luck transferring straight from the drone (I have tried), I always pull the card and use a USB adapter. I have heard that turning on the mavic first and plugging it in, then turning on the computer works.
OK, thanks. Shutting down the PC first not really an option for me, as it's the hub for family data.
I regularly transfer footage from the drone to iPad Pro using the usb3 "camera connection kit"
If you want to access the card do NOT launch assistant.
By default it comes up as a card reader, but once you launch the assistant it switches mode to communicate with it and provide flight data.

Anyway getting footage from the aircraft's USB port is MUCH slower than using an external USB3 reader, so you probably don't actually want that unless in "emergency" cases.
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If you want to access the card do NOT launch assistant.
By default it comes up as a card reader, but once you launch the assistant it switches mode to communicate with it and provide flight data..

Ah -- thanks; that works, although the PC wants to scan the card every time.

Anyway getting footage from the aircraft's USB port is MUCH slower than using an external USB3 reader, so you probably don't actually want that unless in "emergency" cases.

I've come to the same conclusion -- getting the micro card in and out isn't much harder/fiddly than plugging the USB cable. Further, it avoids power cycling the aircraft, and also will encourage me to swap/cycle SD cards for backup, as I do for my cameras.

Good to know the USB cable does work, though. Many thanks.
Glad that you could get it sorted. I always plug it into the usb port, but it is a pain to cycle the craft every time. Need to get myself a usb card reader, that will be so much easier.
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Hi all, Noob to MPP but not drones and I was hoping to clarify,..
I'm keenly interested in getting my stills and or videos into my pc for processing- mainly my stills, HDRs.

If I understand correctly, I'm best served taking the SD card out and reading that into my pc. This is what I'm use to and prefer but some vids I've seen has folks downloading to their phone/tablet. Wouldn't the better resolution be on theSD card and not the phone??
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There’s cached video and photos on the phone or tablet, but it is lower quality. If they’re truly downloading from the SD card to the device, then it will be full resolution. Although I’m not sure if you can download the RAW files so easily via the app.
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My laptop has a built-in SD Card reader, in the adapter of course.
I've never had a problem. Just remember to put the card back in the Mavic.
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I've never had a problem. Just remember to put the card back in the Mavic.

With 2 (or more) cards you can put one back in the Mavic when you take out the current one. This saves having to remember to do it at a later date and the minor inconvenience of having to unfold the Mavic to do so. It's also an automatic backup (I use a set of three).
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Attach a small strip of self adhesive signal coloured tape to the SD card. That way you can confirm a card is loaded even from a distance. And if it happens to pop away during a change of sd cards in the field, you can easily find it again. The tape makes it easy to prevent it from jumping away after pressing the card with a finger nail. (happened to me a few times in the field and never found it again in the grass).
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With 2 (or more) cards you can put one back in the Mavic when you take out the current one. This saves having to remember to do it at a later date and the minor inconvenience of having to unfold the Mavic to do so. It's also an automatic backup (I use a set of three).

I did get a message that there was no card in the Mavic. I was just checking things out in the house so I figured 'I'd do it later'.
Later came after I had driven for an hour to photograph a roof from above. The message about no SD card had gone away and it was replaced with an icon that was the outline of a cell phone. I kept wondering what that icon meant. I still don't know--I've got to look it up. All of a sudden for some reason it hit me that I had taken it out. Luckily I had another one with me but I lost a good half hour or of shooting and had to scramble to get what I missed. It was a lesson learned and all I can say it could have been worse. I could have been driving home when I thought of it. Everybody here who recommended some form of physical reminder is on the right track.

I don't know why it was letting me take pictures though. I have to look up this cell phone image.
Attach a small strip of self adhesive signal coloured tape to the SD card. That way you can confirm a card is loaded even from a distance. And if it happens to pop away during a change of sd cards in the field, you can easily find it again. The tape makes it easy to prevent it from jumping away after pressing the card with a finger nail. (happened to me a few times in the field and never found it again in the grass).
Lake Flyer- I already do that as my pork sausage fingers have a difficult time as it is,..
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