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Unexpected Crash!


New Member
Apr 3, 2017
Hey guys. New to the forum but have found a bunch of useful tips from it. Anyways, had a bit of a crash yesterday. I was just flying basically right about me, and thought it would be cool to take it over top of the house to check the gutters & just look around. Anyways, as I started getting closer, it just kept going down. No matter what I tried, it would go back up at all. Just kept descending. So I panicked and tried moving the right stick to get it away from the house. It was too late. It hit the top of the house & tumbled to the ground. At the moment, I didn't even think of the red pause button or I would have tried that. But what concerns me, is why was it trying to land on its own without my command, or even worse, without letting me ascend out of it? It didn't even beep or come up on the screen that it was landing. It just kept going down... and I checked my warning messages & only thing I can find related is it says aircraft tilted. Check for damage.... Thanks for your input guys.
If you upload your TXT flight log here, it'll probably explain what happened.

It sounds like you might have been too close to the roof, moved the throttle to the full down position, and forced landing most was enabled. Once enabled, you'd need to toggle the sport mode switch on the right side of the remote controller to cancel the auto landing. If that's what happened, you can prevent it from happening again by disabling the "Landing Protection" setting in the following section of DJI GO:

If you upload your TXT flight log here, it'll probably explain what happened.

It sounds like you might have been too close to the roof, moved the throttle to the full down position, and forced landing most was enabled. Once enabled, you'd need to toggle the sport mode switch on the right side of the remote controller to cancel the auto landing. If that's what happened, you can prevent it from happening again by disabling the "Landing Protection" setting in the following section of DJI GO:

View attachment 9827
So the landing protection being on will cause it to force land? That sounds a little confusing to me. Sorry I'm still new to the mavic lol
If Landing Protection is enabled, forced landing mode will be initiated when the throttle is in the full down position and the downward sensors detect the Mavic is below 0.5 meters.
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If Landing Protection is enabled, forced landing mode will be initiated when the throttle is in the full down position and the downward sensors detect the Mavic is below 0.5 meters.
Ohhh. Ok, I gotcha. That's probably what happened then. I didn't know it wouldn't let me ascend out of it tho. I just thought something was wrong with it. It didn't cause any damage when it crashed but it sure did scare the crap out of me! I don't want this happening again! Lol

Ohhh. Ok, I gotcha. That's probably what happened then. I didn't know it wouldn't let me ascend out of it tho. I just thought something was wrong with it. It didn't cause any damage when it crashed but it sure did scare the crap out of me! I don't want this happening again! Lol

It's a known issue in the current firmware that the only way to abort an auto landing is press the sports mode switch, it doesn't matter what mode you're changing to or from just that you push the switch. On previous firmwares increasing the throttle would abort the landing which made more sense.

So exactly what IS the advantage of having Landing Protection turned ON?

Is it worth the risk?
It's a known issue in the current firmware that the only way to abort an auto landing is press the sports mode switch, it doesn't matter what mode you're changing to or from just that you push the switch. On previous firmwares increasing the throttle would abort the landing which made more sense.

Actually if you disable landing protection you can use up throttle to abort a landing. Changing the side sport/gps Atti mode switch is just one way to abort auto land with the latest FW problem.

When landing protection is off, the AC won't stop at .5 meters where you have to confirm landing. In reality for most situations, IMHO, it's better to just disable landing protection all the time. You'll have full control all the way to the ground, and can even touch down and immediately take off if needed, as long as you haven't stopped the props. With landing protection off, it still makes a soft landing even with full throttle down.

With landing protection off, you stop the props by holding down the throttle for about 2 seconds once on the ground. With landing protection on, you hold down the throttle for about 2 seconds to confirm landing, and the props autostop after landing.

The advantages of landing protection..... maybe if the landing spot is uneven, rocky, tall grass, or anything else where you might want a final confirmation to avoid an issue.
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Actually if you disable landing protection you can use up throttle to abort a landing. Changing the side sport/gps Atti mode switch is just one way to abort auto land with the latest FW problem.
Muddying the waters a bit there. It is the only way IF Landing Protection is on. Another way would be to revert the firmware to .004 if we are going to be pedantic.

As John rightly said, it is a known issue. With all VPS settings slid to green, which would seem like a reasonable thing for any new flyer to set, the only way to abort an auto landing is to toggle the P/S mode switch. This is Bad. What is good is DJI have agreed to fix it in the next firmware update :)

In the mean time definitely a good thing to follow Msingers guide above and turn Landing Protection off.
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