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Upgrade from MP to MP2? My thoughts.

Thank you DJI......

Glad I did not pull the trigger.
My choice was the Mavic pro II

(for the 1" sensor) .. Game changer. !

No filming looking straight down
....Deal .Breaker.
Maybe I go snag a P-4 on the cheep
I hear they have a 1" Sensor
That should make me feel better for waiting
And then getting disappointed

Thank you DJI.!

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Well, they are finally here. The newest iterations of the Mavic line, the long awaited Mavic 2 Zoom and the Mavic 2 Pro. A good number of Mavic Pro, Mavic Air, MPP, and Spark owners are out there asking themselves, should I upgrade? Before you jump online, spend your hard earned $1249 or $1449 for either of the two new models, there are some things you might want to consider.

As many members are, I am passionate about many things, three of them being new technology, aviation, and shiny new things. The new Mavics are aesthetically pleasing, and pack all of the cutting edge features one could want in a drone. They are pretty reasonably priced considering their capabilities, and what their competition is offering, and what their predecessors offer. The big question is, do you need or do you just want one? I dont need either of them for what I do. I take off, livestream some boring footage to Facebook, land, pack up, and go home. My Mavic Pro does an awesome job at that, so I would not personally upgrade. I am buying a bunch of MP2's for repair parts, but not flying them for fun.

Some factors to consider when making your decision might be:

  • Do you need the enhanced obstacle avoidance or do you zoom around in sport mode?
  • Do you need a Hasselblad or zoom camera, or can you get by with the MP cam with digital zoom?
  • Do you need the extra 6 minutes of battery life, or could you just go buy a new MP battery for $60?
  • Do you have the money to burn if you are not using it for work?
  • Are you going to buy Refresh? If so, add another $129 to the price.
  • Need an extra battery? You can only get them from DJI, and price is $119.
  • Are you willing to be a beta tester for the MP2? There might be a few firmware fixes before it's perfect.
New drone owners might benefit from the obstacle avoidance system, but a good set of prop guards will help alot too on a Mavic Pro.

There are so many great deals on Mavic Pros out there, it is still a viable candidate for a first drone, and is a solid choice to remain in members stables for a long time to come.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck and have fun. Keep me in mind if you have a problem, and Im here to help pick up the pieces :)

Excellent "food for thought". I have reposted your comments on Texas Ag(riculture) Drone Enthusiasts.
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If you're already happy with the output from the Mavic 1 then i can't see why you'd want or need to spend any extra to update so save the cash for something else.

However, for a lot of us we're massively disappointed in the Mavic 1 camera and find it laughably poor. For us, the changes are huge. A bigger sensor that can provide 10 instead of 8 bit data (this is the biggest improvement). Better log profiles, far better dynamic range, lower noise and so on might turn the terrible camera into something half decent.
But if you dont take much photo or video or are happy with the output (social media use only etc) then no, it's not worth it.

I would argue with the "slightly" better video and photo though - the spec hints the change should be huge for both photos and video. It addresses most of the shortcomings of the original setup. The gains are going to be a lot more than marginal.
I'm pretty sure the majority of us Mavic Pro owners are not into professional photography or videography. We just want to fly and take nice photos. As another poster said, if anyone upgrades it is probably to have the "latest and greatest." Others, like me, fly missions in a rural area to check on property, lifestock, equipment, gates, water sources, creek levels, crops, etc.
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Food for thought, fer sure.

As for me, I will probably sell my MP and I1 and use the proceeds to purchase a M2P. That way, for a few dollars more (hopefully), I can get the best of both with the M2P and reduce my ever growing quad inventory at the same time.

Win/win, if you ask me.

Ray Jay
Food for thought, fer sure.

As for me, I will probably sell my MP and I1 and use the proceeds to purchase a M2P. That way, for a few dollars more (hopefully), I can get the best of both with the M2P and reduce my ever growing quad inventory at the same time.

Win/win, if you ask me.

Ray Jay

Exactly- I don’t have the space in my Los Angeles home to hoard nor the time to fly multiple drones- so I will regularly be refreshing my inventory with the latest and greatest I can afford. At my advanced age of 58 I have this principle with most things in my life (except my wife [emoji8])- cars, audio equipment, etc etc- It keeps my mind, and, hopefully my attitude about inevitable change nimble.

The 2 looks very, very good to me. I bought the Air back in February and it’s been fantastic for me. I upgraded the antenna to the 4Hawks Raptor XR and SR and that’s made it a really great drone. Camera is fantastic although some extra dynamic range would be really nice. I’m a still photographer by trade so the 1” sensor really sounds good. I’m thinking of selling the MA to upgrade to the MP2. To me, it’s a camera first and drone second and the 1” would be a really good upgrade!
I've had my MPP since December, and it has been terrific. I use it mainly for photography, usually shooting panos so I have more pixels, and always shoot in raw. Very happy with the image quality, but yes, the 1" sensor would be better. If DJI had offered one model with zoom AND a 1" sensor I'd have been tempted. Or if they let users buy both cameras and swap them without sending them back that would have been an easy purchase too. But ultimately, these new cameras aren't a giant leap over my MPP, so may do it at some point, but not finding the Mavic 2 Pro a compelling buy right now. Obstacle avoidance that only works in some modes seems a little shaky too.

Will reassess my views as time passes, and I see more photos taken with the 2 Pro.

Ultimately, I think DJI got a big chunk of the way there, but stopped a bit short of a must buy for my uses.
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Well, they are finally here. The newest iterations of the Mavic line, the long awaited Mavic 2 Zoom and the Mavic 2 Pro. A good number of Mavic Pro, Mavic Air, MPP, and Spark owners are out there asking themselves, should I upgrade? Before you jump online, spend your hard earned $1249 or $1449 for either of the two new models, there are some things you might want to consider.

As many members are, I am passionate about many things, three of them being new technology, aviation, and shiny new things. The new Mavics are aesthetically pleasing, and pack all of the cutting edge features one could want in a drone. They are pretty reasonably priced considering their capabilities, and what their competition is offering, and what their predecessors offer. The big question is, do you need or do you just want one? I dont need either of them for what I do. I take off, livestream some boring footage to Facebook, land, pack up, and go home. My Mavic Pro does an awesome job at that, so I would not personally upgrade. I am buying a bunch of MP2's for repair parts, but not flying them for fun.

Some factors to consider when making your decision might be:

  • Do you need the enhanced obstacle avoidance or do you zoom around in sport mode?
  • Do you need a Hasselblad or zoom camera, or can you get by with the MP cam with digital zoom?
  • Do you need the extra 6 minutes of battery life, or could you just go buy a new MP battery for $60?
  • Do you have the money to burn if you are not using it for work?
  • Are you going to buy Refresh? If so, add another $129 to the price.
  • Need an extra battery? You can only get them from DJI, and price is $119.
  • Are you willing to be a beta tester for the MP2? There might be a few firmware fixes before it's perfect.
New drone owners might benefit from the obstacle avoidance system, but a good set of prop guards will help alot too on a Mavic Pro.

There are so many great deals on Mavic Pros out there, it is still a viable candidate for a first drone, and is a solid choice to remain in members stables for a long time to come.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck and have fun. Keep me in mind if you have a problem, and Im here to help pick up the pieces :)

Well; I too like my current mavic pro but like most owners of mavic pro we always stated that the only flaw was the camera and gimbal. Many wished for a better camera and gimbal and DJI has delivered. To me; that is the end of story! Mavic Pro 2 with 1 inch sensor will be here Wednesday.
Biggest disappointment was the lack of interchangeable lenses.

I am not sure but I presume the new ones require different battery chargers. Why can’t DJI developed a single charger that chargers all their batteries with merely different and inexpensive adapters/nodes like every other battery manufacturer does. Every charger mfg has sophisticated chargers that charge all chemistries and do storage charge/discharge, cycling, graphing, charge history, etc. When I travel with my drones, the charging bricks and cables requires a separate suitcase.
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Well, they are finally here. The newest iterations of the Mavic line, the long awaited Mavic 2 Zoom and the Mavic 2 Pro. A good number of Mavic Pro, Mavic Air, MPP, and Spark owners are out there asking themselves, should I upgrade? Before you jump online, spend your hard earned $1249 or $1449 for either of the two new models, there are some things you might want to consider.

As many members are, I am passionate about many things, three of them being new technology, aviation, and shiny new things. The new Mavics are aesthetically pleasing, and pack all of the cutting edge features one could want in a drone. They are pretty reasonably priced considering their capabilities, and what their competition is offering, and what their predecessors offer. The big question is, do you need or do you just want one? I dont need either of them for what I do. I take off, livestream some boring footage to Facebook, land, pack up, and go home. My Mavic Pro does an awesome job at that, so I would not personally upgrade. I am buying a bunch of MP2's for repair parts, but not flying them for fun.

Some factors to consider when making your decision might be:

  • Do you need the enhanced obstacle avoidance or do you zoom around in sport mode?
  • Do you need a Hasselblad or zoom camera, or can you get by with the MP cam with digital zoom?
  • Do you need the extra 6 minutes of battery life, or could you just go buy a new MP battery for $60?
  • Do you have the money to burn if you are not using it for work?
  • Are you going to buy Refresh? If so, add another $129 to the price.
  • Need an extra battery? You can only get them from DJI, and price is $119.
  • Are you willing to be a beta tester for the MP2? There might be a few firmware fixes before it's perfect.
New drone owners might benefit from the obstacle avoidance system, but a good set of prop guards will help alot too on a Mavic Pro.

There are so many great deals on Mavic Pros out there, it is still a viable candidate for a first drone, and is a solid choice to remain in members stables for a long time to come.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck and have fun. Keep me in mind if you have a problem, and Im here to help pick up the pieces :)

As a new drone pilot (recreational only) I have only had my MP for 2 months and had all the feelings you have described. Your post is really well thought out and very useful and my initial urge of 'god **** I gotta have that' has now been tempered!! Do you know if the current MP batteries will fit MP2?? That may make the final decision for me because I have five for my current drone and if they don't fit the MP2 I inclined to heed your wise words and stick with my current drone.
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They don’t have true 360-degree obstacle avoidance. The 4 corners are not protected.
No interchangeable lenses.
1/2 pound heavier.
Getting 3 more minutes of flight time (maybe) under ideal conditions is overshadowed by all other flight variables.
Need to buy another whole set of batteries.
Another charging brick and cables.
Another custom carrying case.
Are the props the same? I don’t think so.
Image quality - I have an Inspire if that is REALLY required.
Not counting the new batteries & accessories needed, I can get nearly 2 new body-only Mavic 1s for the same $.

What did I leave out....oh yeh...$2,000 worth of wife offsetting jewelry or clothes.
Well, they are finally here. The newest iterations of the Mavic line, the long awaited Mavic 2 Zoom and the Mavic 2 Pro. A good number of Mavic Pro, Mavic Air, MPP, and Spark owners are out there asking themselves, should I upgrade? Before you jump online, spend your hard earned $1249 or $1449 for either of the two new models, there are some things you might want to consider.

As many members are, I am passionate about many things, three of them being new technology, aviation, and shiny new things. The new Mavics are aesthetically pleasing, and pack all of the cutting edge features one could want in a drone. They are pretty reasonably priced considering their capabilities, and what their competition is offering, and what their predecessors offer. The big question is, do you need or do you just want one? I dont need either of them for what I do. I take off, livestream some boring footage to Facebook, land, pack up, and go home. My Mavic Pro does an awesome job at that, so I would not personally upgrade. I am buying a bunch of MP2's for repair parts, but not flying them for fun.

Some factors to consider when making your decision might be:

  • Do you need the enhanced obstacle avoidance or do you zoom around in sport mode?
  • Do you need a Hasselblad or zoom camera, or can you get by with the MP cam with digital zoom?
  • Do you need the extra 6 minutes of battery life, or could you just go buy a new MP battery for $60?
  • Do you have the money to burn if you are not using it for work?
  • Are you going to buy Refresh? If so, add another $129 to the price.
  • Need an extra battery? You can only get them from DJI, and price is $119.
  • Are you willing to be a beta tester for the MP2? There might be a few firmware fixes before it's perfect.
New drone owners might benefit from the obstacle avoidance system, but a good set of prop guards will help alot too on a Mavic Pro.

There are so many great deals on Mavic Pros out there, it is still a viable candidate for a first drone, and is a solid choice to remain in members stables for a long time to come.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck and have fun. Keep me in mind if you have a problem, and Im here to help pick up the pieces :)


All very true but you can get an LED landing light on the new ones. That has been at the top of my wish list for a long time.
After reading your reply's to this post I'm back on the fence again thanks guy's .!

First I want to try out some 3rd party software see that doesn't give me more Ya -ya's with my MP1
Tamazon has a two pack of dji
batteries $120

Don't forget to cync your new batteries firmware to you radio and bird
Biggest disappointment was the lack of interchangeable lenses.

Why would you expect interchangeable lenses on the consumer model? Not even the Phantom has that.

Why can’t DJI developed a single charger that chargers all their batteries with merely different and inexpensive adapters/nodes like every other battery manufacturer does.

Legacy support can hold things back. Also the MP3 is a 4 cell rather than 3 cell battery so that has a lot to do with it.
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