"Curtain" is a term I use because that's what it looks like. If you look at the node there are two - if you expand you can see the two different flight paths checked - just uncheck them.
Not sure what the problem you're having with copy:
User Guide
1) Make sure you have Google Earth Pro installed. It's Free!
2) In the Setup Tab, Select the default download folder for your browser. Virtual Litchi Mission (VLM) will process any new csv files appearing in this folder.
3) Select the unit system to be used by VLM.
4) Select the drone type from the drop down combobox. The is used to determine the FOV of the camera. A user specified value can also be input if required. The input value should be the diagonal FOV which is internally converted to Horizontal FOV for compatibility with the Google Earth touring camera.
5) Enter the speed that you wish to fly the mission in Google Earth. Values should be in the indicated units. Only a constant mission speed for all waypoints is possible at this stage because Litchi does not output speeds in its csv file.
6) Enter the Altitude Reference Mode. There are three possibilities here
· Ground. In this mode, altitudes in the CSV file are taken to be with respect to the ground - this allows a mission to follow ground level. Note that altitudes are obtained from Google Earth and inaccuracies are possible/likely.
· WP1. In this mode, the altitude of the first waypoint is used as the reference for the entire mission. This is useful if your Home Point (usually the take-off point) is near the first waypoint and at roughly the same altitude. This altitude value is obtained from Google Earth and inaccuracies are possible/likely.
· Value. If you intend to use a Home Point with a very different altitude to the first waypoint, then you can enter a value here to be used as the reference altitude for the entire mission
7) Login to flyLitchi Mission Hub and export your mission as a csv file to the selected Downloads Watch Folder. Please use "Focus POI" or "Interpolate" for gimbal settings on ALL waypoints. If you use "Disabled" then no gimbal tilt information is available and 0 degrees (horizontal) is assumed. Also please make sure a Heading is specified for all waypoints.
8) VLM will automatically detect the any new csv file in the watch folder and will import your mission to Google Earth. A new entry with the name of your mission will be created in "Temporary Places" and it should contain a sub-item called “Virtual Mission” as well as a folder called “Diagnostics”.
9) If you double-click on “Virtual Mission” then Google Earth will fly your mission at the selected speed and should point the camera as specified in the Litchi Mission Hub. The result should look very similar to the way your mission will look when you actually fly it with your drone. You can speed up or slow down the mission using the play controls on the bottom left of the Google Earth viewer
10) If you are not happy with the Virtual Mission then you should take a look at the “Diagnostics” folder to try to understand what is going wrong. Inside the “Diagnostics” folder are four items:
· WayPoint Path. Selecting this entry will plot the input waypoints from the csv file. These should all plot above ground level. Right Click and select “Show Elevation Profile” to inspect the elevations used.
· WayPoint Labels. In this folder there is an entry for each waypoint. Selecting a waypoint will place a label at the appropriate location. This can allow you to monitor your progress through the mission as it is flown by GE
· WayPoint Views. In this folder there is also an entry for each waypoint. Double -clicking on a waypoint will show the view at that waypoint using the heading, gimbal and FOV specified. This can be very useful to check that the camera sees what you expect at each waypoint.
· Smooth Flight Path. Selecting this item will show the smoothed flightpath calculated by VLM. This should be VERY similar to that obtained using the “Export as kml 3D Path” option available in Litchi. There may very small smoothing differences but they should be VERY minor. Right Click and select “Show Elevation Profile” to inspect the elevations used.
11) If you wish to change any of the VLM parameters in the setup page, then do so and then click Update to send the modified data to Google Earth. If you need to modify the Waypoints themselves, then you need to do that in Mission Hub and then re-export the modified csvfile.
12) If you notice significant differences between the VLM mission and the one flown with your drone then this may be because the mission is not smooth enough. Try increasing the curve on each waypoint in the Mission Hub.
13) I have tested this utility on several public missions available on the Litchi Mission Hub. In some areas with recent satellite imagery the virtual mission looks almost as good as the real drone footage! Google Earth really is amazing!
14) The csv file exported from Litchi can optionally be deleted after use to avoid cluttering up your downloads folder
15) The VLM window can be made topmost if required.