Ive been dying to get out there and get some good photos with my mavic (Im an amateur). I really would like to know some good structures or places to fly my drone, Just let me know what you got!
Ive been dying to get out there and get some good photos with my mavic (Im an amateur). I really would like to know some good structures or places to fly my drone, Just let me know what you got!
You're NOT an amateur since you are SELLING drone shots on your website. You are not painting a very good picture of yourself by stating false statements about you and your intentions and I'm confident that the FAA will find interest in your "actions" should your name and website come onto their radar. I'd suggest you get your Part 107 under your belt and THEN post your photos on your site for sale.
Hey Samuel, you do have very nice work and BigA107 is right, definitely get your 107 because in addition to keeping FAA happy, you can get liability insurance and professional gigs with it. Good luck and congrats in starting out a photography career, it could pay for college and more for you as it looks like you can be successful at it!