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Why you shouldn't buy a Mavic 2 or any drone that relies on your phone.

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I don't think it's a stretch at all, although maybe we need to be clear what we mean by "vast majority". What do you take that to mean?

These kinds of forums are always disproportionately used by users with problems - few people post to say that they had no problems except in response to these kinds of posts.

I've probably spent as much time as anyone analyzing problems with DJI equipment, and I would estimate that at least 90% of the time it's user error. So maybe only 10% of the people reporting problems here, which is only a fraction of the user base anyway, not 10% of all users, actually have equipment problems. I think the problem rate is tiny.
I disagree. The problem is tiny if it has not happened to you. I wonder how many users gave up in frustration and returned the drone. I am sure there are many who never found their way to this forum to complain. I expect their are many like myself who purchased multiple devices because DJI's greedy app no longer worked on them after updating. That's not what I would call user error.
Autel, Yuneec and GoPro were able to provide a nice working display built into the controller at a reasonable price. Certainly DJI could do the same and eliminate a lot of issues with compatibility, cables, setup time etc.
I had the exact same problem as you, but after some basic troubleshooting I decided to calibrate the compass. After that, no issues whatsoever.
These kinds of forums are always disproportionately used by users with problems - few people post to say that they had no problems except in response to these kinds of posts.

I just flew this morning no problems! New Mavic Air, tenth flight and put in new U3 SD card.
I disagree. The problem is tiny if it has not happened to you. I wonder how many users gave up in frustration and returned the drone. I am sure there are many who never found their way to this forum to complain. I expect their are many like myself who purchased multiple devices because DJI's greedy app no longer worked on them after updating. That's not what I would call user error.
Autel, Yuneec and GoPro were able to provide a nice working display built into the controller at a reasonable price. Certainly DJI could do the same and eliminate a lot of issues with compatibility, cables, setup time etc.

The few problems I have had were from not following or reading the directions correctly aka user error. The vast majority of problems are from user error, as Sar stated. Spend some time going through the forums and you will see there is much more proof for this claim than for yours.
I also wonder why we need a phone. For the screen? if so, then attached a displace.
I have a MP. I dont think i will upgrade. It is a very expensive toy and one day, the governments will make life very difficult for drone owners.
How to fly. Go to some desolate space??????
I bought one, a Mavic 2 zoom. After several days and multiple calls to support. I returned it. IT NEVER EVEN LEFT THE GROUND!. Do Mavic 2's work? Obviously, and they get great footage people use them all the time. But after my experience I will tell you why I don't think people should buy them (but of course, free country, buy what you want, but also freedom of speech so I will tell you my opinion). I am going to assume that people with apple phones/devices have better results because if they had mine, DJI would be out of business, I cannot prove this but I think it is true. I bought my M2zoom and I downloaded the app and try to sign up, error, no connected network. Didn't work, called support, they said try using the web site. I had other problems with app but eventually got to the point I could turn on the drone and controller. Connecting, error mag interf check app. Called support again. I had at that point reinstalled the app 4 times afer first suggestion from support. I searched the web DJI Mavic Pro "Mag Interference-Check App" problem still no solution. After being on the phone, the support guy says. You have to use another device. I told him. My Samsung Note 8 is supported according to your website. He said we cannot move forward without another device. My phone controls my other photographic equipment fine, some are free apps.

To preface this. I did my research. I thought I was getting a good drone. Many good comments and reviews. After I could not get the unit up and running, I started searching and I found all the problems and bad stuff. I am not an idiot. I know there are people who don't know what they are doing, and there are going to be some defective units. There will always be problems, BUT, are they reasonable and fairly infrequent? If there are too many or it is so complicated the average person cannot resolve issues, then it is not a good product.

So my problem with the Mavic 2. First it requires a phone. I thought this was good because it would lower the cost of the unit. But it is really bad. If you don't have a phone, you have a brick. DJI has to upgrade apps for both Apple and Android, I am betting Apple gets the higher priority. If the company is slow to upgrade, you have problems/brick/crashed unit. I had to take my phone out of the safety of its case possible damage to a thousand dollar phone. I had to risk damaging the usbC port every time I wanted to fly, the port connector on the side of the holder is of poor design putting undue stress on your phones port. Now back to the phone software. Android updates can break apps. If you have this drone 5 years from now will DJI still update the app? if not you have a brick. A new phone and version can come out and may be incompatible. You are adding another set of variables to an already complex set of firmware updates and app updates.

So after having problems I start looking on the web for solutions. I see tons of problems. You cannot fly your drone without firmware updates. If you go to location where there is no cell service, and you need an update you are out of luck. Basically, you own a brick, and if you have the right phone, the right phone os version, DJI has update the app like it is suppose to, you have the latest firmware for the controller, drone and battery, you are in the right location to fly, the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, you have a working drone instead of a brick. You drop your phone trying to connect it to the controller and break it, you have a brick again, your phone gets wet, your phone battery dies, your usb port gets damaged, you get a magnetic interference check app error, the dog eats your phone. You have a brick.

DJI should have made a drone that works by itself, no phone, no bricking the unit if a new firmware update comes out. The phone should only add a nicer display, or perhaps some addition feature. But adding the phone and a host rather a huge number of other variable which are potential problems is a bad idea in my opinion. That is why I returned the unit.

Who is the audience for this unit? If it is professionals, then they might put up with all the issues and complex interdependencies. But it seems to me they are aiming this drone at the average guy, perhaps someone who has more money than they should and the extra income to buy a new toy. Well I can tell you right now, if the app is not perfect, the registration process works easily, the startup and update is process less than 15 mins DJI is going to have a lot of returns this Christmas. The drone should fly right out of the box with little fuss. If not this is not a product for the masses and DJI should include the information I posted above to discourage joe average from buying this drone or there are going to be a million factory refurbished Mavic 2's out there.. like mine. If I would have read a post like this one explaining the problems and complex interdependences and the possibilities I would have never bought one. I know this for a fact. I bought a Ford F350 diesel back in 2004. That year the messed up the firmware updates over and over again, because the firmware on the turbo, fuel injection, transmission, and monitoring systems were dependent on each other. Ford bought that truck back from me and thousand of new ford truck owner (read it on the web) and now I will never own another one again. Just like DJI.[/QUOTE

I can appreciate your position. Working around all of the frustrations of your first drone is an unexpected challenge...been there.

Still, I think you gave up too soon.

I agree that you shouldn't have to this, and you shouldn't have to that, but if you want to fly a drone, you have to. Given that you researched drones before you purchased, you would have had to come across the same challenges all drone pilots face. You may have turned a blind eye to them.

If I'm not mistaken, you got the app loaded, connected the RC to the AC, and all the firmware updated. Frustrating right? Possibly because you may not have anything else that is set up that way.

Magnetic interference can be an issue inside your house, by a cell tower, inside your car, and on concrete. Anywhere there is iron. To my knowledge, magnetic interference is not indicative of a defective unit, or phone compatibility. The solution is to step away X number of feet from the source of interference.

Firmware updates are a fact of drone use. Nobody likes them, and they are always inconvenient, but usually we benefit from them.
When DJI releases a new product, there are a slew of updates, and then after X amount of time, the updates are rare.
Some of us with the original MP would like an update to add or improve features. We feel like DJI has forgotten about us. Actually, I'm glad they stopped. It is annoying.

Many of us buy dedicated monitors at significantly less cost/risk than a $1000 phone. For example, many of us use an ipad mini 4. My mini 4 cost $200, and works very well. It's not the brightest unit, but usually I fly early in the morning or at dusk, so that's not a problem. If it is, I find a shade tree. I had not ever used Apple products before, but I like this set up.

When I first started flying drones, I had an Android device, and it was a disaster. I had no idea the phone/tablet mattered. But, of course it does.I nearly gave the whole drone thing up. I'm glad I didn't. I hung in there. Got frustrated as all get out, kept researching various challenges, found solutions, new problems, new solutions, and so it goes. I still don't know which color profile I like best.

I was clueless about photography basics as well, now I have a fancy camera (sort of), and a computer that can handle 4K video (sort of). Yes. I bought it hook, line, and sinker, which is really not like me at all.

Flying a drone has a steep learning curve, but for many of us, it's worth it. After all, who doesn't need more video of roof tops, and tree tops?

I understand that this is all supposed to be for relaxation, but in the beginning it is everything but relaxing. However, compared to the early years of drones, it is significantly more plug and play. Still, it is technology, so...

I suspect you are far more skilled at using your cell phone, now then you were when you first used one. What's the difference?

If you are open to suggestions, I recommend you get back in the game, but slowly.
It would be wise to give it a rest for X amount of time.

Given that you have a $1000 phone, and the MP2 is your first drone, I suspect you have some disposable savings. Plus, you got your money back, so you have been made whole, and are back at square one. And, your phone is safe and sound...thank goodness.

If you take this the wrong way, then that's on you.

I recommend that you get yourself a refurbished DJI Spark, and a ipad mini 4, or an old iphone 6, and learn to fly with less taxing equipment.
I have a Spark, and I love it. It is nowhere near as capable as a MP, but it is FUN to fly without being distracted by the multitude of options the MPs have, or the fear of crashing my hard earned cash. The little bastard can take it. Also, for whatever reason, the general public loves the Spark, but they fear all other drones.

Then, once you are comfortable and have out grown the Spark, you may be over your disdain for DJI, and are willing to upgrade.

I think many people purchased the MP2 as their first drone, and may be in over their heads. Six months to a year from now, I intend to buy one of their abandoned MP2s with three or less battery charges. They are ready to sell just to get that episode of their life behind them. This is the same cycle that happened with the MP1. I know because I bought two at great prices, each with less than three battery charges.

BTW...if you came to this forum expecting understanding, you came to the wrong place. We can be brutal here, but we can be helpful as well. You may have benefited from asking for advice before returning your MP2

If you do get back into the game and you come to this forum be prepared to take it, and dish it's fun, chiefly because it's raining, cold, and we can't fly, today.

good luck either way
As long as you are willing to pay for it and carry it around in addition to your other gear.
If it is built in, there is nothing additional to carry. Autel, Yuneec and GoPro managed to do it at a reasonable cost.Certainly not worse than buying a CrystalSky or Ipad, mount, cables and assembling all that.
I also wonder why we need a phone. For the screen? if so, then attached a displace.
I have a MP. I dont think i will upgrade. It is a very expensive toy and one day, the governments will make life very difficult for drone owners.
How to fly. Go to some desolate space??????

We don't.
As I said, they wanted me to use another phone. I don't have one. So what I did was backed up my Samsung Note 8, and I reinitialized it. No joy. I took it to my backyard, no joy. I will take it to a field tomorrow. I have one phone. That's it. If the problem exist still after I take it to a field. It is not my phone. I will conclude it is a problem with the drone and not waste any more time with it. I may call support on Monday if I have any patience left
That's not how troubleshooting works.

Use a device other than your phone to isolate that as your problem. taking it to a field will not isolate if you're device is the issue.
I bought one, a Mavic 2 zoom. After several days and multiple calls to support. I returned it. IT NEVER EVEN LEFT THE GROUND!. Do Mavic 2's work? Obviously, and they get great footage people use them all the time. But after my experience I will tell you why I don't think people should buy them (but of course, free country, buy what you want, but also freedom of speech so I will tell you my opinion). I am going to assume that people with apple phones/devices have better results because if they had mine, DJI would be out of business, I cannot prove this but I think it is true. I bought my M2zoom and I downloaded the app and try to sign up, error, no connected network. Didn't work, called support, they said try using the web site. I had other problems with app but eventually got to the point I could turn on the drone and controller. Connecting, error mag interf check app. Called support again. I had at that point reinstalled the app 4 times afer first suggestion from support. I searched the web DJI Mavic Pro "Mag Interference-Check App" problem still no solution. After being on the phone, the support guy says. You have to use another device. I told him. My Samsung Note 8 is supported according to your website. He said we cannot move forward without another device. My phone controls my other photographic equipment fine, some are free apps.

To preface this. I did my research. I thought I was getting a good drone. Many good comments and reviews. After I could not get the unit up and running, I started searching and I found all the problems and bad stuff. I am not an idiot. I know there are people who don't know what they are doing, and there are going to be some defective units. There will always be problems, BUT, are they reasonable and fairly infrequent? If there are too many or it is so complicated the average person cannot resolve issues, then it is not a good product.

So my problem with the Mavic 2. First it requires a phone. I thought this was good because it would lower the cost of the unit. But it is really bad. If you don't have a phone, you have a brick. DJI has to upgrade apps for both Apple and Android, I am betting Apple gets the higher priority. If the company is slow to upgrade, you have problems/brick/crashed unit. I had to take my phone out of the safety of its case possible damage to a thousand dollar phone. I had to risk damaging the usbC port every time I wanted to fly, the port connector on the side of the holder is of poor design putting undue stress on your phones port. Now back to the phone software. Android updates can break apps. If you have this drone 5 years from now will DJI still update the app? if not you have a brick. A new phone and version can come out and may be incompatible. You are adding another set of variables to an already complex set of firmware updates and app updates.

So after having problems I start looking on the web for solutions. I see tons of problems. You cannot fly your drone without firmware updates. If you go to location where there is no cell service, and you need an update you are out of luck. Basically, you own a brick, and if you have the right phone, the right phone os version, DJI has update the app like it is suppose to, you have the latest firmware for the controller, drone and battery, you are in the right location to fly, the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, you have a working drone instead of a brick. You drop your phone trying to connect it to the controller and break it, you have a brick again, your phone gets wet, your phone battery dies, your usb port gets damaged, you get a magnetic interference check app error, the dog eats your phone. You have a brick.

DJI should have made a drone that works by itself, no phone, no bricking the unit if a new firmware update comes out. The phone should only add a nicer display, or perhaps some addition feature. But adding the phone and a host rather a huge number of other variable which are potential problems is a bad idea in my opinion. That is why I returned the unit.

Who is the audience for this unit? If it is professionals, then they might put up with all the issues and complex interdependencies. But it seems to me they are aiming this drone at the average guy, perhaps someone who has more money than they should and the extra income to buy a new toy. Well I can tell you right now, if the app is not perfect, the registration process works easily, the startup and update is process less than 15 mins DJI is going to have a lot of returns this Christmas. The drone should fly right out of the box with little fuss. If not this is not a product for the masses and DJI should include the information I posted above to discourage joe average from buying this drone or there are going to be a million factory refurbished Mavic 2's out there.. like mine. If I would have read a post like this one explaining the problems and complex interdependences and the possibilities I would have never bought one. I know this for a fact. I bought a Ford F350 diesel back in 2004. That year the messed up the firmware updates over and over again, because the firmware on the turbo, fuel injection, transmission, and monitoring systems were dependent on each other. Ford bought that truck back from me and thousand of new ford truck owner (read it on the web) and now I will never own another one again. Just like DJI.
Respectfully: nearly all that you state as negative is really incorrect. You should contact someone on this forum by phone so they can inform you in a polite way.
Ignore their suggestion to ditch the phone.
They have no idea and probably have never flown a Mavic in their life.
I posted some help for configuring Android devices earlier.
Install DJI GO on an Android Tablet or Phone (Step-by-Step Guide) - Phantom Help
Have you gone through that?

A Mavic 3 ?
Forget that, it's probably more than a year away.
As for your wish to avoid a phone (or tablet?) that makes no sense at all for a camera drone.
Perhaps you'd be better off with a $50 toy drone?

I tested this morning. Still had the problem with mag interf . So I decided. to read your post. Everyone here has been telling me you don't need a phone and I thought I missed something. Well if I didn't need a phone, why do I have to disable every function on the phone just so it will speed up to the phone to work with the drone? Now I understand why everyone says you need to not use the phone and get a different device because your phone is loaded down with a bunch of stuff that introduces delay. I understand this and what it does with a computer and bloatware.

I also read all the responses to the article. All the people who had problems, software developer saying there are problems that should be priority 1 and how many devices don't work when DJI says, "Note: DJI GO 4.1.15 is currently a stable version that runs well on most Android devices.""

I want to thank you. and I am not being facetious at all. I am truly thankful you helped me decide to return this drone. Everyone was saying I did not know what I was talking about when it came to why drones should not rely on a phone. Your article show even more reasons than I could ever come up with why drones should not rely on phones. If the display was built in, there would be no need to run through all the trouble people had on your own post and me it would be fast because the OS would be dedicated to a drone. This technology is not ready for prime time IMHO. It is meant for fanatics who will plow through hundreds of issues, problem, and inherent slowness issues cause by reliant on a phone. These drones should not be in Best Buy where your girl friend says, honey, lets have some fun flying a drone, look it works with your Note 8 I just bought you.. what is developer mode? (Ok now I am being facetious). The videos in Best Buy make it look like these things are easy and fun. There is nothing easy or fun about flying a mavic 2, or at least getting it ready to fly. People think that you just connect it to your phone and you go. You have proven with your own words this is not true. As I have gotten older, I have found that hobbies that frustrate you are not fun. I have a motocross bike Yamaha YZ450, it connects to your phone and tells you how to set the suspension, and adjust motor performance. It works, you don't need to do a hundred steps to make it work with the bike. The bike does not need the phone to work. That is how the mavic should be. The videos make it look easy but it is a huge frustration and that has been my experience. I am glad for this experience and glad that you showed me I am better off with a 50 dollar drone. While in fact. I think I am better off without a drone at all. You should write an article that tells people this is not for consumers or the faint of heart, this is for someone willing to spend 100s of hours figuring this stuff out, watching videos and over coming obstacles to fly for 30 mins and have to worry about regulations, and only to find out the mavic will not fly where you want to go because the updates stop you for doing it. Yeah, thanks but no thanks. If I would have kept this thing because I got it to work. I would ran into some other issue and I would have 1500 dollars in drone and batteries siting in my closet.
I tested this morning. Still had the problem with mag interf . So I decided. to read your post. Everyone here has been telling me you don't need a phone and I thought I missed something. Well if I didn't need a phone, why do I have to disable every function on the phone just so it will speed up to the phone to work with the drone? Now I understand why everyone says you need to not use the phone and get a different device because your phone is loaded down with a bunch of stuff that introduces delay. I understand this and what it does with a computer and bloatware.

I also read all the responses to the article. All the people who had problems, software developer saying there are problems that should be priority 1 and how many devices don't work when DJI says, "Note: DJI GO 4.1.15 is currently a stable version that runs well on most Android devices.""

I want to thank you. and I am not being facetious at all. I am truly thankful you helped me decide to return this drone. Everyone was saying I did not know what I was talking about when it came to why drones should not rely on a phone. Your article show even more reasons than I could ever come up with why drones should not rely on phones. If the display was built in, there would be no need to run through all the trouble people had on your own post and me it would be fast because the OS would be dedicated to a drone. This technology is not ready for prime time IMHO. It is meant for fanatics who will plow through hundreds of issues, problem, and inherent slowness issues cause by reliant on a phone. These drones should not be in Best Buy where your girl friend says, honey, lets have some fun flying a drone, look it works with your Note 8 I just bought you.. what is developer mode? (Ok now I am being facetious). The videos in Best Buy make it look like these things are easy and fun. There is nothing easy or fun about flying a mavic 2, or at least getting it ready to fly. People think that you just connect it to your phone and you go. You have proven with your own words this is not true. As I have gotten older, I have found that hobbies that frustrate you are not fun. I have a motocross bike Yamaha YZ450, it connects to your phone and tells you how to set the suspension, and adjust motor performance. It works, you don't need to do a hundred steps to make it work with the bike. The bike does not need the phone to work. That is how the mavic should be. The videos make it look easy but it is a huge frustration and that has been my experience. I am glad for this experience and glad that you showed me I am better off with a 50 dollar drone. While in fact. I think I am better off without a drone at all. You should write an article that tells people this is not for consumers or the faint of heart, this is for someone willing to spend 100s of hours figuring this stuff out, watching videos and over coming obstacles to fly for 30 mins and have to worry about regulations, and only to find out the mavic will not fly where you want to go because the updates stop you for doing it. Yeah, thanks but no thanks. If I would have kept this thing because I got it to work. I would ran into some other issue and I would have 1500 dollars in drone and batteries siting in my closet.

Have you actually tried flying the drone with no phone?

Start the drone, then start the controller (with no phone).

Do you get the magnetic interference message on the controller LCD screen?

If yes, it's not your phone. It's either (1) your environment (including something you might be wearing but I doubt that unless you have piercings everywhere and wear chain mail) or (2) the drone.

Have you calibrated your compass and the IMU (but you need to have the pone connected for that)?

And flying these is dead-simple. It doesn't take 100s of hours to learn to do it (to do it well? that does take time).

I'm 64 years old - I remember electric typewriters and mimeograph machines. I bought my first Mavic Pro last year and my second one this year. I fly with a variety of Android devices and all worked with both DJI Go 4 and Litchi - but some work better than others (processor, RAM, screen brightness in the Caribbean sun). I just set up a stupid cheap ($20) Huawei Sensa phone (with Android 6.01 and Huawei's launcher / skin) as a dedicated device for DJI Go 4.

These are so simple to fly I fly it over the ocean. And I'm a freakin' klutz. I did just connect mine with my phone and fly it.
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Found some pictures of the rumored Mavic controller with built in screen. This would solve so many issues if they really produce this controller.

I'm looking forward to the controllers with integrated displays. I hope they can release a couple screen sizes. If they work with several DJI drones it would be a better long term investment. I would love to always use one (great) controller with all my drones.

If they want to knock it out of the park with these what about...

Using the flight controller sticks & buttons to work in DJI Go video editing app. How cool (and fast) would that interface be? I think it would be the bomb!
Ok so since we completely tore this guy up ( tune a dirt bike by computer now that would freak me out) lets find out where he lives get together with him see if one of us can help him out. There are followers from around the world, he is not that isolated we can't help him.
I’ve read most of this thread and have a couple of thoughts.

1) where I live, DJI or any electronics company have no customer support you can ring. That means you don’t have some first level idiot support guy with a script he has to run through to try to help and just making things worse. I figure if you lived here you’d have either researched until you fixed it or gotten pissed off enough to return and get a replacement which I firmly believe is/was the required action.

2) you seem upset that there are so many troubleshooting steps being required and that therefore these drones should not be sold at Best Buy. But that’s what happens when you ask strangers on a website for help - if any of us were present with you we’d have sorted it out but because we aren’t, there’s tons of ideas being offered to try to fix. This does NOT mean this is normal or typical for this product. Millions of people buy them and successfully use them with zero problems.

3) I think all the talk about your phone is a complete red herring.

4) I wonder... you did download dji go 4, didn’t you? Not the earlier dji go app?

5) I can’t believe you haven’t just gone back to the retailer and asked for a replacement by now. Clearly it’s a defective product.

6) please please don’t take this as me having a go at you but could you please write more concisely? The easier it is to parse your post the easier is it to help. Or a brief summary at the bottom
Ive had no issues with connection using an S8+ linked with a usb A to usb c cord.

I get the mag interference warning when i take off near my car. It doesn't appear when launching away from vehicles/structures.
Ok so since we completely tore this guy up ( tune a dirt bike by computer now that would freak me out) lets find out where he lives get together with him see if one of us can help him out. There are followers from around the world, he is not that isolated we can't help him.
I think we are all better off if he doesn't fly. Can you imagine the mess that would happen if he got it in the air? :-)
I disagree. The problem is tiny if it has not happened to you. I wonder how many users gave up in frustration and returned the drone. I am sure there are many who never found their way to this forum to complain. I expect their are many like myself who purchased multiple devices because DJI's greedy app no longer worked on them after updating. That's not what I would call user error.
Autel, Yuneec and GoPro were able to provide a nice working display built into the controller at a reasonable price. Certainly DJI could do the same and eliminate a lot of issues with compatibility, cables, setup time etc.

We are not going to come to any agreement if you intend to argue with non sequiturs such as "The problem is tiny if it has not happened to you" and total speculation such as "I wonder how many users gave up in frustration and returned the drone. I am sure there are many who never found their way to this forum to complain."

The mobile device is not a simple display in these systems - it is doing computationally intensive tasks. If you prefer the simpler solutions from other manufacturers then that's your choice. Your posts increasingly imply a level of technological illiteracy on par with the OP's.
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