@sar104 no rush or anything I appreciate any time you take to do it but have you had a chance to look at that .dat file?
From my low-experience at viewing those viewpoint it looked like the Mavic wasn’t registering that it was actually in a NFZ but auto-landing as if it was anyway. Also even if I did venture into a NFZ, I don’t think it’s in dispute that I took off from class G and I should have been able to regain control once I was out of the NFZ right?
Sorry - I meant to post a reply previously. It's hard to know what happened with the log so riddled with errors. I don't think that your hacked firmware is very healthy or robust. It was reporting multiple flight restriction data errors and finally triggered:
792.242 : 40496 [L-DBG5]wl req landing [20]
792.242 : 40496 [L-GEO]airport limit req landing ! => in limit area
792.725 : 40520 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. fly limit,eg:airport

793.243 : 40546 [L-GEO]wl req landing [19]
I would definitely not rely on that firmware.