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Access Flight Data after firmaware up data to v01.03.1000


Aug 5, 2017
Hi Pilots, Please help me out.

Has anyone managed to access their Flight Data after upgrading to Firmware v01.03.1000?

I had no trouble before. But since updating, the drive doesn't seem to mount through DJI Assistant 2.

I've tried a couple of refreshes, but still no good.

I'm wondering if DJI have done this deliberately so only they can access the files during waranty claims. It would be a shame as I really enjoy a good rummage around my Flight Data.
Hi Pilots, Please help me out.

Has anyone managed to access their Flight Data after upgrading to Firmware v01.03.1000?

I had no trouble before. But since updating, the drive doesn't seem to mount through DJI Assistant 2.

I've tried a couple of refreshes, but still no good.

I'm wondering if DJI have done this deliberately so only they can access the files during waranty claims. It would be a shame as I really enjoy a good rummage around my Flight Data.
I've also seen this. Don't know if this is deliberate or a bug that will be fixed in a future update.

@Cyberpower678 , @ugabuga
Just got done chatting with DJI. He claimed that they are "working on this issue asap" and that it will be fixed in the next update.He, also asked for my email address to keep me updated. I'll pass along anything I hear.
same issue. I can't access the drive where .DAT files should be. After double-clicking the drive letter a message appears asking to "insert a disk".
I updated from .900 to .1000.
Just got done chatting with DJI. He claimed that they are "working on this issue asap" and that it will be fixed in the next update.He, also asked for my email address to keep me updated. I'll pass along anything I hear.
Thanks Bud, that sound promising.
I noticed tha the .DAT files can be retrieved from the memory of the smartphone.
Older .DAT files before upgrade to .1000 in the folder of the smartphone are not complete in its content.
The files created with the .1000 on the memory of the smartphone are just like those created on internal memory of the drone with .900, not accessible now with .1000
Connecting the smartphone to the computer i was able to read flight data copying this folder from the internal memory of the phone to my computer
\DJI\dji.go.v4\FlightRecord\MCDatFlightRecords on my computer and opening them with Viewer.exe

Viewer.exe seems to not read correctly those files if opened directly from the folders on the smartphone, so i copied them on my computer to read them.

Let me know if these files are missing something in their content.

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The files on the phone are not the same as on the aircraft.
I didnt upgrade to .1000 but maybe accessing the .DAT files changed to the same way as it is on Spark?

To get your .DAT flight record, you were right, ASSISTANT2, DATA UPLOAD (strange name), press CONFIRM, select the flight you want to check and press SAVE TO LOCAL.

Then you select the directory where it should be saved.
The files on the phone are not the same as on the aircraft.
I didnt upgrade to .1000 but maybe accessing the .DAT files changed to the same way as it is on Spark?

To get your .DAT flight record, you were right, ASSISTANT2, DATA UPLOAD (strange name), press CONFIRM, select the flight you want to check and press SAVE TO LOCAL.

Then you select the directory where it should be saved.

I tried but the flight list is empty
I noticed tha the .DAT files can be retrieved from the memory of the smartphone.
Older .DAT files before upgrade to .1000 in the folder of the smartphone are not complete in its content.
The files created with the .1000 on the memory of the smartphone are just like those created on internal memory of the drone with .900, not accessible now with .1000
Connecting the smartphone to the computer i was able to read flight data copying this folder from the internal memory of the phone to my computer
\DJI\dji.go.v4\FlightRecord\MCDatFlightRecords on my computer and opening them with Viewer.exe

Viewer.exe seems to not read correctly those files if opened directly from the folders on the smartphone, so i copied them on my computer to read them.

Let me know if these files are missing something in their content.

I was about to deliver my usual These-aren't-the-real-.DAT-files response but decided to take another look just to make sure. In fact, the .DAT files found on my iPad contain some of the same data as the .DAT on the .Mavic. There need to be some changes to CsvView/DatCon to handle the differences. I'll try to distribute a version that will handle these tablet .DAT files in the next few days (hopefully before I leave for Inter Drone).

My Android device does not have a directory \DJI\dji.go.v4\FlightRecord\MCDatFlightRecords

My iPad does have the directory containing .DAT files. It doesn't seem to have any .DAT files for version .1000 though.
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I've been getting an email everyday from DJI support about this. I had no idea that DJI support could be this bad. Every day it's a different person. Some offering a canned response explaining that I need to update to V01.03.1000. I'll explain that this has been done and then I'll get the same canned response from the next person the next day.
The last response I got was somewhat informative.

Regarding with your concern, the reason why you're having a problem is because of the firmware upgrade. After the latest Mavic Pro firmware v01.03.1000, the flight controller data will not be saved on the SD card. The next version of DJI Assistant 2 needs to be used for exporting the flight controller data. As DJI Assistant 2 is used with many DJI products, the new version is not released on the DJI official website yet. We are testing it and new DJI Assistant 2 will be released soon.

I've asked for some clarification;
That is a better repsonse than I've managed to get; well done BudWalker. DJI have seemed reluctant to respond over this issue. To be honest I wasn't too bothered about losing the ability to access the Flight Data, I just wanted confirmation that there wasn't something wrong with my Mavic. Their comms have been poor in this instance. It also creates a bit of an issue should the Mavic crash and we start looking into a warranty issue; is there Flight Data on the Mavic or not? Hmmm.
I have the same problem. So, the latest version of FW breaks the ability to record my flight data. In the case of an accident DJI uses the flight record to access fault, yours as the pilot, or theirs. If there is no record they can't make a determination and so won't replace or fix MP under refresh. Hoping under these circumstances they bite the bullet and make good on claims during this situation. Not full of confidence that the next upgrade won't break something else.
It's pretty certain the data is recorded, just the "public" way to access it is broken. They could always access it at the repair center.
It's pretty certain the data is recorded, just the "public" way to access it is broken. They could always access it at the repair center.
According to the answer from dji, reported by BudWalker, there's no issues with the new firmware. It seems that the way how this data is accessed has changed. A new version of the assistant 2 will be needed to access that data. This version has not been released yet.
Yep, okay get it. Sort of. Not saved to SD card. SD on MP, or SD on phone and how is any application going to read information that wasn't saved. Black box????
The whole topic is about the flight logs that are stored on the Mavic FC's "glued in" SD card. Those were accessible through Assistant2, they're not anymore becasue they apparently changed something about how they're accessed in the firmware, it needs an update to the Assistant to match it, but that's not out yet.
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