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Jan 16, 2017
Hello great mavic people!
I´ve just gotten my Mavic, and since it´s my first DJI product, I need some help understanding the photo settings. Do you have any preferred set of settings when shooting pictures? Do you shoot using manual exposure settings, or is the auto one good enough as long as you shoot RAW to fix bad exposure later? Do you use the same style-settings as in video mode? And which one is better, or...what´s the difference between HDR shot, AEB, and Single Shot?
Hello great mavic people!
I´ve just gotten my Mavic, and since it´s my first DJI product, I need some help understanding the photo settings. Do you have any preferred set of settings when shooting pictures? Do you shoot using manual exposure settings, or is the auto one good enough as long as you shoot RAW to fix bad exposure later? Do you use the same style-settings as in video mode? And which one is better, or...what´s the difference between HDR shot, AEB, and Single Shot?

Hi Kennetf. Some context would help here. Do you shoot at night, in the morning, blue hour, golden hour. Cloudy or sunny? How experienced with photography are you? All of these things come into play. Not trying to harsh your mellow but your question is very broad in nature. I say this from the standpoint of me being a photographer. The key point is what do you want to do and to illustrate to those who will see your images? Maybe a bit more context and we can help out more. Tips. Shoot in RAW. If you are not familiar with photography, then shoot in automatic until you know a bit more. If you know less, grab a basic photography book and read a bit. One thing you will not have to deal with is that the aperture on the Mavic is fixed, so that is one less variable to worry about.
Hi Kennetf. Some context would help here. Do you shoot at night, in the morning, blue hour, golden hour. Cloudy or sunny? How experienced with photography are you? All of these things come into play. Not trying to harsh your mellow but your question is very broad in nature. I say this from the standpoint of me being a photographer. The key point is what do you want to do and to illustrate to those who will see your images? Maybe a bit more context and we can help out more. Tips. Shoot in RAW. If you are not familiar with photography, then shoot in automatic until you know a bit more. If you know less, grab a basic photography book and read a bit. One thing you will not have to deal with is that the aperture on the Mavic is fixed, so that is one less variable to worry about.
Sorry for not being very clear. I´m somewhat of a intermediate in photography, since I study media production and I´m writing a bachelor this semester. I always shoot raw, that´s a no brainer. Instead of asking if I should shoot manual or auto, I guess my question should be: How good does the Mavic camera handle auto exposures? Is it good enough to save whatever fault it may have in post, or do you recommend shooting manual? The reason I´m asking this, is that I don´t mind shooting manual with a dslr - I allways do. However, adjusting settings in mid-air, is something I´m still not used to.

When it comes to scenery and light, I don´t have any specific habits - I shoot everything. I guess what I´m asking, is; which settings should I apply in the photo menu to get as much detail in post as possible? HDR, AEB, Single Shot? Any specifications for contrast, sharpness and saturation?

Hope that helped to clarify my questions.
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You should know that the RAW files aren't really affected by settings other than exposure from ISO and shutter.
I'd steer clear of HDR as that's done in camera but bracketing might be worthwhile as some think it mysteriously over-exposes photos more than video.
RAW is the way to go if you are already using it and have suitable software such as lightroom.
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You might want to STTL a half stop to a full stop and then fix it in post.

Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots
Never seen that abbreviation before, but I guess you are referring to under exposing one image, and over exposing another, and then merge them in post? If my understanding is correct, that´s what AEB does?
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Never seen that abbreviation before, but I guess you are referring to under exposing one image, and over exposing another, and then merge them in post? If my understanding is correct, that´s what AEB does?

Sorry about that. STTL means, shoot or under expose to the left while STTR means shoot to the right. I was saying STTL and then bring up the exposure in post. Only one image. I did this with the Phantom 4 and it seemed to work pretty well. I use a Nikon D810 and the shadow recovery is simply unbeatable. Shooting at ISO 64 with that thing (D810) is on par with medium format cameras. Anyway, you might like the results if you initially under expose then work it out in post.
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I am a new Mavic/drone owner but also an experienced landscape photographer. I am noticing a fair amount of noise in my still shots. Any tips on reducing noise in camera? I am shooting at ISO 100. It does seem to have worse noise shooting into the sun, but overall, no thrilled with noise or sharpness. I keep settings pretty neutral in camera and color correct in post.
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