A drone is the way to do it, forget abut rockets or balloons.
You can climb way more than 1,500 m with a hacked
M3, but the Fly app stops counting at 3,150 m. You still have juice to get to 4,000 m or more, but since you don't know the alt anymore, you should do a previous calculation to guess at which alt you are based on the climb speed (which is quite stable on a drone at full stick) and time.
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Going down is almost free (battery wise), but you must have in account that if you get in the low battery area the drone can power down the motors and limit the speed, thus it can fly away or not descend fast enough, so there's no point in forcing the things unless you want to beat a record for whatever reason.
In resume, with a hacked
M3 or a similar drone, on a calm day (check the wind at 1,500m, it should be less than 50Km/h, or it can fly away) going up to 1,500 m like a balloon, do a 360º pano or whatever you want to do, and go down is quite easy and safe.
You need a drone capable of climbing fast and with around 25 minutes of real flight time, A hacked
Mini 2 can climb to 1,000 m or so, but its battery bottlenecked.
Also check the temperature, temp goes down 6,5º C every 1,000 m, and you want it above 0º C to prevent water particles condensing on the props, or they can build up ice and lose the edge, hence fall like a stone.
PS: As a hobbyist you won't get legal permission to do it anywhere in the world, so just use your brain to check for potential danger, enjoy the hobby and forget about overregulation. If anyone asks afterward, you did it with a helium balloon and a 360º camera attached to it and ofc, remove the metadata on the image before posting it online.